Instant fuel consumption sensor

Topic: Instant fuel consumption sensor

I need help in config of sensor and reports.

I have info about tractors  instant fuel counsumption per hour.How can I from this information make average fuel consumption(just to sum up all values above zero and divide it with number of readings?how to do that):How to make a graph of instant fuel readings.

Is it possible to calculate from instant fuel values(getting values every sec) and when we get average total consumption to calculate total fuel used and how to do that.

I hope I was clear .Any idea and example what we can do from instant fuel consumption to get near total fuel consumption is welcome.
If you want we can add this vehicle to acc you can access.

Best regards.


Instant fuel consumption sensor

Re: Instant fuel consumption sensor

aahero, you get in each message some average per-hour based fuel consumption, e.g. 30l/h is it?
If it is and you have this value as message parameter, named, say can99 then, I think, you can try to calculate fuel, but it will be very raw, because CAN bus itself have tens of percents of mistakes.

See documentation:
http://docs.gurtam.com/en/hosting/cms/u … _parameter

Your sensor will have type "instant fuel consumption sensor" and parameter formula will look like (in litres):

you can play with it and use more powerfull math if you'd like.

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Instant fuel consumption sensor

Re: Instant fuel consumption sensor

shal wrote:

aahero, you get in each message some average per-hour based fuel consumption, e.g. 30l/h is it?
If it is and you have this value as message parameter, named, say can99 then, I think, you can try to calculate fuel, but it will be very raw, because CAN bus itself have tens of percents of mistakes.

See documentation:
http://docs.gurtam.com/en/hosting/cms/u … _parameter

Your sensor will have type "instant fuel consumption sensor" and parameter formula will look like (in litres):

you can play with it and use more powerfull math if you'd like.

I made help request in help section  if someone could make this for us



Instant fuel consumption sensor

Re: Instant fuel consumption sensor

Can you tell me the best way to calculate percentage of various sensore values for example.

I want to calculate and put in report:
-(I have RPM sensore)percentage of "green" RPM ,say from 1000-1500 rpm .So how may green RPM in all RPM are done?
-percentage of KM driven from 80-85 Km
-(i have gas pedal sensore)percetage of driven km with no gas pedal ?how many km?
-driven km with brakeing(have brake sensore)
-driven km with retarder(have retarder sensore)
-driven km with tempomat in percentage

Best regards