Retrieve group report information

Topic: Retrieve group report information

I am trying to get group report but  I am gerring error

"error": 4,
"reason": "WRONG_PARAMS"


It works fine when reportResourceId is a unit code. But when I use group, i get this error.

Can you help me?


Retrieve group report information

Re: Retrieve group report information

Sorry. A quotation marks was missing in url.

I works but does not returns any data compared as shown wialon platform. I would like to export it to CSV

Can you help me, please?


Retrieve group report information

Re: Retrieve group report information

Mpc hello, I've checked your request and it is working. To export result in CSV you can use report/export_result request, for example: https://hst-api.wialon.com/wialon/ajax.html?svc=report/export_result&params={"format":32,"coding":"utf8","headings":0,"compress":0,"extendBounds":0,"hideMapBasis":1,"outputFileName":"test_rep"}&sid=

If the report result is different from the one that you receive in web interface, please, also try to set locale settings same as set in web interface. Use following request to set localization settings -- https://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/ … set_locale

Anton Zinovyev
Technical Care Engineer (L2)