Report for custom digital sensors

Topic: Report for custom digital sensors

I am currently using a Bluetooth angle sensor to detect a hatch position (open / close), I have created a custom digital sensor and established angle ranges to allow a conversion; degree of angle into an (on/off) (open/close) state. This is working properly; it is providing my customer a way to audit the position of the hatch "live".

  Now I would like to create a report where I can look at the amount of time (Hrs) and distance (Km) that the truck was driven with the hatch in "open" position and in "closed" position. I´ve tried pretty much every table available: (Digital Sensors, Sensor Tracing, Chronology, etc) and have not been able to create a report with such requirements.

  Any Ideas?


Report for custom digital sensors

Re: Report for custom digital sensors


Please check the Trips table with columns Duration and Mileage + some filters.

To control the trips when the hatch was "open" use the following settings:
1. Type the name of the sensor into the Sensor mask field.
2. Choose With sensor on and enable option Retrieve intervals in the block Sensors.

To control the trips when the hatch was "closed" use the same settings, but switch to With sensor off.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."

Report for custom digital sensors

Re: Report for custom digital sensors

Ok so this is progress, thank you very much. Your recommendations is basically one table for "open" state and a second table for "closed" state. Is there a way to create a report that will show the status of the hatch during the day (not by trip) in chronological order?  This way my customer can audit what the driver did during the day.

Thanks again!


Report for custom digital sensors

(edited by pach 22/09/2022 17:41:44)

Re: Report for custom digital sensors

jc.villalobos wrote:

Is there a way to create a report that will show the status of the hatch during the day (not by trip) in chronological order? 

Create two sensors basing on the parameter that you use for your current sensor. Name one sensor «Opened», and another «Closed». In the «Opened» sensor, use the same calculation table as you do right now. In the «Closed» sensor, use the reverse calculation table. For example, if in the «Opened» sensor you have:
  X=0 a=0 b=0
  X=30 a=0 b=1
Then, in the «Closed» sensor, the table should be:
  X=0 a=0 b=1
  X=30 a=0 b=0

Next, create a new report with the Digital sensors table. In the table settings, add filtration by Sensors mask (screenshot attached).

Additional information:
  Sensors mask in tables — https://wialon-help.link/b767764b

Thus, the report would be showing the work intervals of both sensors. Because the sensors are turned on and off consecutively (the first one is turned off, when the second one is turned on and so on), you should get a chronological order of the Opened and Closed events.

Let us know if the reports does not work as expected. You can send requests with the details to the support@gurtam.com

  • Report for custom digital sensors

Report for custom digital sensors

Re: Report for custom digital sensors

Zark / pach:
   With your suggestions I was able to create the report successfully, thanks a lot for your help.