Alasdair Graham пишет:I wish to know if there is an app that has both already that we can use, an app for each requirement, or suggestions on what we could use.
Me too 
At the moment I'm working on a web-service (and an Android app), which can be used as a basis for your app. It works in the same manner:
- The team manager creates tasks and assigns them to the mobile workers.
- Tasks will be delivered to the mobile devices of the workers in real time
- After the task completion the worker must fill out a questionnaire, which can contain diverse questions. For example client signatures, photos of done work, lists of installed or selled products etc.
- The completed questionnaire can be printed as PDF report, and, for example, submitted to the client as documentation of the done work
More information in English you can find on this site:
Unfortunately, the site design (not the information) is a little bit outdated, but I'm working on the new version. It exists at the moment only in Russian:
But you can use Google Translate if you like.
The webservice and the Android app are available in several languages (in English too).
Write me if you want to test it.
P.S. Also it would be possible to use the "base" for a new product, a web service, which would not have orders with attached questionnaires, but only questionnaires. Such service will be "more open". In this case I will need a partner who will at least formulate the "technical task" to develop the product for 100%. I wrote a "big" post about it here in Russian: (you can use Google Translate)
And here a small post in English: