Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 03/06/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Dozor, Vodoley PV1, AM7 Series, Queclink GL52L, Concox BL11 (flespi)
- Ruptela FM Eco4 light T series, Ruptela FM Pro4: outputs control commands fixed
- Teltonika FMB125: parsing new messages types from Squarell CAN-reader via RS232 added
- Teltonika FMB120: parameter "iccid" registration fixed
- Seeworld S5L: alarm state registration added
- etc.

2) Administrator site, monitoring site: default e-mail sender address changed from noreply@gurtam.com to noreply@noreply.com.
3) Сайт администратора: SSL certificates validity check when generating nginx settings for sites improved.
4) Monitoring site, cms-manager site: new translations added.
5) Application for live video: design updated.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 10/06/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Hardlite, Volvo Connect, Megastek MT80T (flespi), Tekelek TEK-822 (flespi), Sinotrack ST-906W (flespi), etc.
- Galileosky 7x: extended tags registration improved
- Totem Tech - AT09: speed registration in TPMS messages added
- CelloTrack Nano: parameters registration fixed
- Ruptela HCV5: new parameters added
- Tyrecontrol TC PRO: speed and course values parsing fixed
- etc.

2) Monitoring site, cms-manager site: default list of languages available for user fixed.
3) Administrator site: optimizations.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 17/06/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device type: simpleRTK2B-SBC
- Hero-ME41-04: new TCP-commands added
- TrackPro TR130: new message type parsing added
- HB-DV03: satellites count registration fixed
- Galeb GS100: new parameters added
- Ulbotech T373B: new data types parsing added
- Teltonika FMC640: BLE sensors parameters registration added
- Wialon Combine: "Extended Position Data" record type parsing added
- Cantrack TK103B: new message type parsing added
- Navtelecom Signal S-26xx: new parameter added
- etc.

2) Wialon Local backend, SDK: optimizations.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 24/06/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: RIFA-M, JM-VL03M, Sinotrack ST-901A+ (flespi), Fitrider M1 (flespi), etc.
- TrackLight: parameter "temperature" added
- Queclink GL52L: server answers improved
- Ruptela PRO5: digital outputs control commands fixed
- AM7 Series: external devices data parsing added
- Teltonika TAT100: LBS-parameters registration improved
- Queclink GV500: possibility to use packets sending time for registering message types GTOBD/GTOPN/GTOPF added
- Volvo Connect: data parsing fixed
- SmartOne Solar: parameter "bat_stat" (battery status) registration improved, parameter "gps_valid" added
- Topflytech TLW1-8A/E: server answers improved
- etc.

2) Wialon Local backend: optimizations.
3) Adminstrator site: bug-fix.

Wialon Local 2004:
1) Monitoring site: fix for reports export.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 01/07/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Queclink GV600MG, Queclink GL50MG (flespi), Autoseeker AT-16A (flespi), ThinkPower TL904A (flespi), Voiager 1 (flespi), etc.
- NimbeLink: parameter "rh" (humidity percentage) added
- Trackimo 3G Travel: data requests frequency increased
- Teltonika TFT100: sending configuration to the device fixed
- Queclink GL52L: new data format parsing added
- CalAmp LMU-800: new message type parsing added
- etc.

2) Administrator site: fix for email-notifications to the administrator.
3) Monitoring site, cms-manager site: language "Português do Brasil" added to the list of available languages.

Wialon Local 2004:
1) Monitoring site, cms-manager site: language "Português do Brasil" added to the list of available languages.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 08/07/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Intelliko TMS, Okai ES400 (flespi), LKGPS LK330 (flespi), iStartek VT900-L (flespi), LKGPS LK210 (flespi), iStartek VT900-G (flespi)
- Mobilogix MT2000: improvements for new protocol version
- MS PGSM4: new parameters added
- Gosafe G797: new J1939-parameters added
- RIFA-M: option in unit properties for server answer activation added
- Galileosky 7x: new extended tags registration added
- Jointech JT701: LBS-parameters and satellites count registration improved
- Xirgo-2469: option in unit properties for dynamical registration of VIN parameter in unit Profile added.
- etc.

2) Administrator site: email-notification to the administrator about nodеJS outdated version when installing new Wialon Local version improved
3) Administrator site: description of updates available for installation improved
4) Monitoring site: sound notification for messages in the "Chat with the driver" fixed

Wialon Local 2004:
1) Administrator site: email-notification to the administrator about nodеJS outdated version when switching to a new version of Wialon Local improved.
2) Administrator site: description of updates available for installation improved.
3) Monitoring site: sound notification for messages in the "Chat with the driver" fixed.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 22/07/2021

Wialon Local 2104:

1) Administrator site: a new authorization mechanism for HERE maps is supported, which uses only API Key
2) Administrator site: fixed display of percentage of completion for background service processes in English
3) Administrator site: set a dynamically calculated maximum RAM size available to the Wialon process
4) Administrator site: fixed calculation of memory limits for environment variables in case of Local installed on virtual machine

Product manager

Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 29/07/2021

Wialon Local 2104:

1) HW:
- New device types: Inmarsat Gateway, JC200, Fleetguide 4, Fleetguide 6, TWIG One, Suntech ST3340LC (flespi), TK-Star TK730 OBD (flespi), GoSafe GAT-3000 (flespi), iStartek VT005 (flespi), Eelink TK418 (flespi), etc.
- Gosafe G797: new J1939 parameters added
- Queclink GV300CAN: new CAN parameters added
- Ruptela devices: new parameters added
- Gosafe GAT-1000: TCP-commands added, command answers registration added
- Teltonika FMB630: new command to download tachograph files from FTP-server added
- Navtelecom devices: speed value registration improved
- EELINK TK419: command answers registration improved
- Omnicomm devices: setting in unit properties to configure parsing RFID added
- TrackPro TR130: coordinates registration added
- JC400: new parameter to register message type added
- Queclink GV50M: new message types parsing added
- PT 40: new parameters added
- CelloCan IQ: new setting in unit properties to use CAN value for speed registration added
- JC100/200: new TCP-commands added
- etc.

2) Administrator site: the possibility to indicate a region in Google maps settings for Wialon Web sites.
3) Monitoring site: improvement for Google maps to display information according to the region setting on the Administrator site.
4) Monitoring site: fix for sensors display in unit tooltip after new sensors import.
5) Monitoring site: improvement for ArcGIS maps.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 05/08/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- Hero-ME41-04: parsing new message type with OBD data added
- Hero-ME41-04: new setting in unit properties to use CAN value for speed registration added
- Teltonika FM6300: driver online activities registration improved
- PT40: new parameters added
- Queclink GL52L: virtual commands added
- Teltonika FMC125: command to request photos from Teltonika DualCam added
- Suntech ST400: LBS parameters registration improved
- Queclink GV350M: CAN data parsing added
- Galileosky: parameter "imsi" registration added
- etc.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 12/08/2021

Wialon Local 2104:

1) HW:
- New device types: Topflytech TLD2-D (flespi), ATrack AK7V (flespi)
- Queclink GV350M: CAN data parsing added
- WanWay S20: TCP commands added
- Galileosky: parameter "active_sim" added, parameter "cid" renamed to "cell_id"
- Hero-ME41-04: photos download fixed
- Teltonika FMB120: digital outputs control commands fixed
- Smartone C: data parsing improved
- etc.

2) Adminstrator site: background processes display fixed.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 19/08/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Otus D310F, THURAYA T2M-DUAL, Skylo Hub, Topflytech TLW2-12BL, Suntech ST3340R (flespi)
- TAG TRAX, TAG SOAR: new TCP command added
- Gosafe G6S: new setting in unit properties to parse Technton DUT-E data via transparent channel added
- Teltonika FM6300: online driver activities registration based on tachograph data fixed
- Queclink GV300CAN: new parameters added
- Queclink GV50M: GTSRT and GTDRV message types parsing added
- Queclink GV75M: GTFRI message type parsing fixed
- ES-GP06: new message types parsing added
- etc.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 26/08/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Kingwo LT12, Oyster LoRaWAN, DF702-GPRS
- Hero-ME41-04: altitude parsing fixed
- Galeb GS100: new protocol version integrated
- Pet Tracker RF-V40: alarm messages registration improved
- etc.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 02/09/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Micron Prime AT Plus 4E, Xirgo XT-4900, Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713, Xeelectech LK210 (flespi), etc.
- Micron Prime AT Plus 4E: new message types parsing added
- Mobilogix MT2000: new message types parsing added
- MT01: parsing data from temperature sensor added
- VT08S: new message type parsing added
- etc.

2) Wialon Local back-end: extended logging for AVD maps.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 16/09/2021

WL 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Micron Prime MD4G, MOKO MKGW1 BLE Gateway, Moko Bluetooth Device, Topflytech TLW2-2BL, Topflytech TLW2-6BL, SPOT Gen4, GTStar GT780, Segway Ninebot PJ22IOT (flespi), Queclink GL502MG (flespi), Mictrack MT600 Plus (flespi)
- MT01: temperature sensor data parsing fixed
- Bharat 101: Omnicomm LLS data parsing via transparent channel added
- Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713: coordinates parsing fixed
- Topflytech TLW2-12BL: new parameters added
- MK8000: CRC check improved
- BCE IOTM: Sensata TPMS data parsing added
- Suntech ST3310: TCP commands fixed
- etc.

2) Administrator site: phrase translations added.
3) Wialon Local backend: extended logging for AVD maps added.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 23/09/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Emerit e-WG100, Queclink GV57MG, TotalFinder ATEX, TotalFinder Industrial, BigOceanData, Micron Prime Pod, Planar Micro, M2Media-1080p (v.2.0), Sinotrack ST-903 (flespi), TK-Star TK911 (flespi), TK-Star TK909 (flespi)
- Orbcomm IGWS2: parsing speed and course fixed
- SkyWave IDP-782: new parameters added
- BI 810 TREK: parameters registration fixed
- Queclink GV350M: new CAN parameters added
- Wialon Combine: a setting in the unit properties to specify the encoding of text parameters added
- Queclink GV600MA/GV628W/GV600W/GV350M: a setting in the unit properties to ignore the "GNSS accuracy" value when registering a location added
- Jointech JT709A: new parameters added
- etc.

2) Monitoring site: fix for displaying the correct location of units on the map after unloading messages from "black box".


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 30/09/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: CAN-WAY G, CAN-WAY B, CAN-WAY L, LINE-WAY B, ARSA T-MAX, Queclink GV56 (flespi), Topflytech TLP1-LF (flespi), Queclink GV600MG (flespi)
- Galileosky: parameter "ccid" added
- Suntech ST3300: data parsing improved
- EV-07B: new message type parsing added
- Queclink GV300/GV320: a setting in the unit properties to ignore the "GNSS accuracy" value when registering a location added
- flespi gateway: virtual commands improved
- etc.

2) Monitoring site: fix for OpenSeaMap, OpenWeatherMap and AerisWeather map layers when AVD maps are selected as the map source on the administrator site.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 07/10/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: L19, Wonlex Senior GPS Watch (flespi), Wonlex Kids GPS Watch (flespi), Xirgo XG3700 LIGHT+ SDK (flespi), Xirgo XG3700 TACHO SDK (flespi), Wonlex Fitness Smart Watch (flespi), Wonlex GPS Tracker (flespi), Queclink GL100 (flespi), etc.
- OBD-II/CAN Interface V5: message registration improved
- Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713: TCP commands improved
- Teltonika: setting in unit properties to use TGD extension in tachograph file name added
- Queclink GV75: GTUPC message type parsing added
- TWIG One: parameter "battery" registration fixed
- Omnicomm Profi: parameter "avl_driver01" added
- MUK-A1: bug fix
- etc.

Wialon Local 2004:
1) HW:
- MUK-A1: bug fix


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 14/10/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Queclink GL320MG, Suntech ST4910 (flespi), Concox JM-VL04 (flespi), Concox JM-VL01 (flespi), OMNI OGB1 (flespi)
- MIELTA M1/M3/M5/M7: new parameters added
- BCE IOTM: setting "Skip connection packet" in unit properties added
- Emerit e-WG100: coordinates parsing fixed
- Queclink GV350M: HEX-protocol improved: new message type parsing added, new parameters added
- etc.

2) Monitoring site: fix in robots.txt file.

Wialon Local 2004:
1) HW:
- BI 810 TREK: parameters param100/101 and param112/113 parsing fixed

2) Monitoring site: fix in robots.txt file.

Wialon Local 1904:
1) Monitoring site: fix in robots.txt file.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 21/10/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Suntech ST3500, PROD TAG 720, Megastek MT200X (flespi), Queclink GL310M (flespi), Queclink GL320M (flespi)
- Otus D310F: new TCP command added
- Topflytech T8803+: "gms" parameter name change to the correct one - "gsm"
- Queclink GV350M: parsing data from Omnicomm LLS via transparent channel added
- BCE IOTM: bugfix done, CRC check improved
- etc.

2) Administrator site: bugfix.

Wialon Local 2004:
1) Administrator site: bugfix.

Wialon Local 1904:
1) Administrator site: bugfix.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 28/10/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: NB-IoT water meter, Queclink GV53MG, Yabby Edge, Ibag Middle PRO (flespi), Ibag M66 PRO (flespi), Cargo Spy (CS4) (flespi), Ibag FOX PRO (flespi), Ibag Dakar PRO (flespi)
- Otus D310F: TCP command "Set time" improved
- MOKO MKGW1 BLE Gateway: the device TCP port changed from 4981 to 4983
- Teltonika FMB640: new setting "Reg io_10612 as hexstring" in unit properties added to select the variant of "io_10612" parameter registration
- Ruptela HCV5/LCV5: new TCP commands added
- ADM: message time registration improved
- etc.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 04/11/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Prime AT NG, Queclink GV300L (flespi)
- iStartek VT200L: new protocol version integrated
- NB-IoT water meter: setting "Coordinates for stationary units" in unit properties added
- THURAYA T2M-DUAL: virtual commands added
- Roadefend RDT401BU: registering photos from the device improved
- Yabby Edge 4G: new parameters added
- Galileosky 7x: setting "Display command result as notification" in unit properties added
- TWIG Protector: parameter "bcn_info_id" added
- SSL-05: parameters "speed_limit" and "voltage" added, messages registration as alarm ones added
- etc.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 11/11/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: LocoTrack HGD4, Queclink GT301 (flespi), Concox JM-VL03 (flespi)
- Navtelecom Signal S-26xx: setting "Coordinates for stationary units" in unit properties added
- L19: new message type parsing added
- etc.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 18/11/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: UMKa303, Iridium360 RockStar, OKO-AVTOPRO
- Omnicomm Profi: new parameters added
- Teltonika FMB630: command "Send custom message with endline" added
- Teltonika FMC640: parameter AVL 10500 parsing fixed
- Concox Qbit: LBS and WIFI parameters registration added
- etc.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 25/11/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Discovery Series, CARVIS MD-314SD, M2Media-1080p (BODY), Movireg ВРК4 Series, Movireg ВРХ4 Series, QUANTOR-tms, Queclink GV53MG (flespi), ReachFar V40 (flespi), ICAR GPS IK210 (flespi), etc.
- Suntech ST300H: setting "GS-601 by transparent" in unit properties has been added
- GTStar GT780: new TCP-command has been added
- Teltonika TFT100: command "Set parameter value" has been fixed
- etc.


Wialon Local Release Notes

Re: Wialon Local Release Notes

Update 02/12/2021

Wialon Local 2104:
1) HW:
- New device types: Queclink GL53MG, Fifotrack S50, JM-LL02, JM-BL11, JM-LG05, JM-LL301, Queclink CV100LG, Iridium Edge Solar, Iridium Edge Pro
- Galileosky: new parameters added
- Cellocator: SMS commands fixed
- VT08s: parameter "pwr_ext" added, data parsing improved
- Teltonika FMM125: commands "output_off" and "output_on" fixed
- Iridium360 RockStar: registering speed and course values added
- Orbcomm ST 6100: setting "Convert speed and course" in unit properties added
- TAG 7100: setting "Ignore the satellites" in unit properties added
- etc.