Fuel Batch Entry

(20/05/2021 11:39:14 отредактировано ernest)

Тема: Fuel Batch Entry


Currently the fuel consumption calculation and reports are based on vehicles with either fuel sensor or CANBus / OBD devices installed.

However, there are small vehicles where the fuel tank is unsuitable or unable to install a fuel sensor, or no CANBus data available. hence these vehicles unable to send fuel level data to Wialon to compute the consumption rate.

There is any another way by doing a manual entry of fuel refill either by manually or upload via a .CSV file with this information:

1. Vehicle plate
2. Refill amount
3. refilled Liter
4. Date & time
5. Location (Lat/Long)

But currently is above feature not available in Wialon.

Also, one step further to the above is to allow an API integration between Wialon and the oil company that provides the fuel usage data to the customer.  Of course they need to follow certain data format that Wialon determine.

Possible to add the above so that the data above can be used by Fuel consumption calculation and reports in Wialon?

Are there anyone else find this feature useful for small cars or vehicle that dont have CANBus data?


Fuel Batch Entry

Re: Fuel Batch Entry

Hello ernest,

First of all I would like to thank you for such a detailed description of your question.

In fact, we have a large number of units that do not use special fuel sensors. Therefore, for a more detailed analysis of the operation of the vehicle fleet and, in particular, fuel, there is a need to manually register fuel filling in the system.

As for your request, I would highlight 3 parts:
1. Manual fuel filling registration. Currently this functionality is already implemented in Wialon. To register refueling manually, you need to use Events Register. Read more about it in the documentation. The tool allows registering events of different types, but only one at a time. If you have a large number of fuel fillings, the registration process can be time-consuming. But this functionality was implemented just for those situations where units do not have fuel sensors.
2. Adding the ability to import/export fuel fillings in different formats (mostly *.csv). This task sounds very interesting. Moreover, we already have such a request in our product backlog. In general, the task doesn't sound too complicated and time-consuming, but in any case we need some additional analysis and determination of a universal import/export format, which will work for most partners, as well as correct binding of these fuels to intervals in the reports. And, of course, the process itself, i.e. import/export of fuel fillings, must be implemented.
3. Integration with fuel cards, using API or other methods. I can say that this request is even more interesting than the previous one. We have thought a lot about implementing such functionality, but there is a big nuance here related to the following: Wialon is used in a large number of countries. Each country has a large number of its own petrol stations and, accordingly, its own fuel services. Since we are a universal system, we cannot support integration with any one system, we need to support all the systems that will be requested. This process implies a large number of integrations and data formats, which can affect the quality of the system.
In general, we were thinking towards creating a universal tool that would provide our universal file format (which we would get by analysing all the available formats), and a mechanism for setting up data mapping between the third-party system and Wialon. In this case, we give the tool and the integration and operation is set up by the user (partner). This is the most correct method, as each user will only be able to support their own integration, independent of us.

As for the implementation itself: for the near future, we don't have any development on point 2 or 3 in our plans yet. For now I can only note your interest, but I can't suggest a specific timeline for implementation.
If I have any news on this topic I will let you know right away.

P.S.: Finally, I would like to ask you the following questions:
1. What systems would you like to integrate with? Do you have examples of downloaded files from these systems?
2. Do you have information about systems that already have similar implemented functionality?

Nastassia Maslovskaya
Business Analyst, Wialon