Тема: Notifications on parameter value change when values are missing
When creating a notification which triggers on a value change in a message parameter, we are finding that the notification is triggered in cases where data is not available/reported by the device.
For example:
09:00:00 Ignition Off
09:00:05 Ignition Off
09:00:10 Ignition On
09:00:15 Ignition On
09:00:20 (no ignition status reported by device, but other parameter values are reported)
09:00:25 Ignition On
09:00:30 Ignition Off
What we expect is that two notifications will be triggered at 09:00:10 (ignition was off and is now on) and at 09:00:30 (ignition was on and is now off.)
What we get though is four notifications - the two described above, plus one at 09:00:20 and 09:00:25. The point is that the ignition status did not change - the ignition status simply wasn't reported at 09:00:20.
Has anyone else run into similar issues? Any idea if changing the "Last message only" setting of the engine ignition sensor of the unit would affect these notifications? If not, then should it use this to setting to use the value from the last message containing such value when checking notification triggers?