Sub-Meter Precision GNSS AVL for agriculture vehicles

Topic: Sub-Meter Precision GNSS AVL for agriculture vehicles


We are working in a Project which will require sub-meter precision GNSS-AVL (agriculture vehicles) and compatible with Wialon.

Is there any equipment which could meet these constraints?

Thanks in advance.

Chief Engineer - GPS DEL PERU

Sub-Meter Precision GNSS AVL for agriculture vehicles

(edited by ansolg 07/04/2021 14:21:16)

Re: Sub-Meter Precision GNSS AVL for agriculture vehicles


This equipment in various versions is used in many agriculture projects. It do not use only in Wialon. Wialon do not understand submeter precision.
Do you need complete solution?

Дмитрий Истомин, www.glosna.ru

Sub-Meter Precision GNSS AVL for agriculture vehicles

Re: Sub-Meter Precision GNSS AVL for agriculture vehicles

Thanks Ansolg,

I've tried to reach NVS by email but I have no answer yet, also the equipment nvs-rtk-ma is not showed in their web page.

Could you please share an email to contact NVS?

Mine is: fpurilla@gpsdelperu.com

Chief Engineer - GPS DEL PERU

Sub-Meter Precision GNSS AVL for agriculture vehicles

Re: Sub-Meter Precision GNSS AVL for agriculture vehicles

fpurilla Hello. 
If your  agriculture machines have internal GNSS high-precision systems (like John Deere) you can get the coordinates via RS232 interface  from internal GNSS and send to Wialon by Galileosky  trackers

P.S. Usually sub-meter GNSS need some additional correcting base stations on the field. It's not just tracker inside the vehicles.
Also you need very precision high-resolution map of exactly your fields to see the difference in the interface of your monitoring platform.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst