Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

Topic: Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

My GPS103-A works in SMS mode, however in GPRS mode it sends positions only when the vehicle is stopped.
Is there a setting I have to change?


Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

Re: Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position


I'm using the GPS103-B version and you can find a command tab in the device setting, in wialon app, where you can set how often the device should send the position



Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

Re: Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

Thanks. Is there another way to set the frequency? What is the default value? I don't have wialon subscription at the moment.


Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

Re: Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

see attached pics for the SMS command to use


  • Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

Re: Coban GPS103-A GPRS in GPRS mode doesn's send continuous position

Thanks, I'll report back soon about this.