Calculator Separate Date from Hour

(12/02/2021 16:59:03 отредактировано Fernando Brochetto)

Тема: Calculator Separate Date from Hour

As I talked to support, currently there is no way to separate dates from hours in the reports.
A client asked for the function because he checks the workday and wants to have the dates only in the groupment.

Dates can't be separated/removed from a report.

Separate times in the reports into dates and hours;
As probably many partners prefer to have both together, this function could be included inside calculator in the convertion method.

Would have more flexibility to check reports the way they want and to manipulate data in excel.


In the screenshots you can see something I've tried but didn't worked.

  • Calculator Separate Date from Hour
  • Calculator Separate Date from Hour
  • Calculator Separate Date from Hour
  • Calculator Separate Date from Hour
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Calculator Separate Date from Hour

Re: Calculator Separate Date from Hour

Hello Fernando Brochetto,

The idea of the request is clear, but there are some nuances and questions about your proposal.

Adding a new conversion to Calculator will not help, because you need different working logic for the row with grouping and the rows below it, and the conversion (like Calculator in general) works for the whole column in the same way. So the only option here is to modify the logic of the grouping itself and the method of displaying information in it. We can't change the format of the display in the grouping right away, because this will cause a wave of negativity from the other partners. Furthermore, it is necessary to change the format not only in the date and day grouping, but also in all other groupings. The way the same function works cannot be different.

So I would like to find out what exactly the request from your client is related to. Does this variant of data output affect the work with the report and its analysis? What exactly prevents you from having dates in these lines when analyzing workdays?
Besides, if the user makes additional processing of the report in Excel, in this case it is easy to bring the values into the required form by one formula without changing the logic on the Wialon side.

p.s.: I wrote in one of the threads that in the future we want to work on the logic of the Total line and groupings, and maybe we can consider this query as well, but we will definitely not work on this task separately and work out the options for its solution.

Nastassia Maslovskaya
Business Analyst, Wialon

Calculator Separate Date from Hour

Re: Calculator Separate Date from Hour

Hello mana,

and the conversion (like Calculator in general) works for the whole column in the same way

I think that in this case the grouping would not affect the data needed because in this situation the report should basecally just remove the dates of the custom columns. Is there any plans to improve calculator's conversion for the whole grouping? I've already found cases where this was necessary. When we use a report for group of units for example, we generally don't use groupments depending on the use of calculator.

Does this variant of data output affect the work with the report and its analysis?

Besides, if the user makes additional processing of the report in Excel, in this case it is easy to bring the values into the required form by one formula without changing the logic on the Wialon side.

In someway it affects. Many times the user don't know know very much how to use excel properly (although in these cases we try to assist), this functionality could be used for the inclusion of this people and it is also a visual request, for making easy the analisys of the reports.

What exactly prevents you from having dates in these lines when analyzing workdays?

It's an unnecessary information.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Calculator Separate Date from Hour

Re: Calculator Separate Date from Hour

Dear Fernando Brochetto,

thanks for the answers, but I have a couple of additional questions and comments smile

I think that in this case the grouping would not affect the data needed because in this situation the report should basecally just remove the dates of the custom columns.

We cannot just remove the date from the columns, because someone of users may need both the date and time, and someone just the time. We have already analyzed different options and, unfortunately, it is impossible to do this simply so that everyone is satisfied, and we really do not want to add more checkboxes. For this reason, I wrote to you that it will be necessary to change the logic of the grouping operation.

Is there any plans to improve calculator's conversion for the whole grouping? I've already found cases where this was necessary. When we use a report for group of units for example, we generally don't use groupments depending on the use of calculator.

What kind of improvements are we talking about here? It is possible that I did not get the point, so I ask you to tell us more about what needs to be improved in the current conversion options.

It's an unnecessary information.

Why is this information useless and unnecessery? I would still like to understand how it interferes.

Nastassia Maslovskaya
Business Analyst, Wialon

Calculator Separate Date from Hour

(25/02/2021 15:53:05 отредактировано Fernando Brochetto)

Re: Calculator Separate Date from Hour

Hello mana,

We cannot just remove the date from the columns, because someone of users may need both the date and time, and someone just the time.

Yes, I think I've just expressed myself badly, but I do understand.

What kind of improvements are we talking about here?

Basically what I wrote here: https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=16173
For example when you have data contracted into weeks/days..., and you use the time of report as a parameter to be included inside the calculator, it will give to you the interval of this interval, the week, the day, not the whole period of the report. So in this case this parameter would work, but we'd need in the same way a conversion tool for making just the days to appear.
I think that this is the logic changes that you said that should be done on the groupings.

If we had just a column with the Inicial Date + Initial Time + Final Date + Final Time for the trips it would work. As he told me he doesn't even needs grouping for dates, just for units. I think that in the next week he'll send me an excel file that he is going to insert the data coming from Wialon to calculate the drivers working hours, I'll send to you sou you can take a look and understand it better.

Why is this information useless and unnecessery? I would still like to understand how it interferes.

I think that when I'll send you the excel file it will make more sense.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Calculator Separate Date from Hour

(08/03/2021 23:59:09 отредактировано Fernando Brochetto)

Re: Calculator Separate Date from Hour

Hello mana,
I understand now what does the client really needs.
He wants to have a report (trips) with no kind of groupment, the columns are:

Unit / Driver / Inicial Date / Inicial Hours / Final Date / Final Hours.

The problem is that when he paste the data from excel file, the grouping lines pollute the report and the equations start to show incorrect data.
So if we had an option to generate the report of trips detailed without any kind of groupment, not even the unit groupment + separate the dates, the client would be able to convert the trips into working hours as he wants in another tab.

  • Calculator Separate Date from Hour
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul
