Fleetrun Mobile App

(edited by Fernando Brochetto 09/12/2020 14:35:34)

Topic: Fleetrun Mobile App

As other partners wants a mobile app for Fleeturn, I decided to create this topic.
I've received some requests from partners, now that there is the fuel fillings module I think that this request becomes even more necessary.

Using the app makes possible the driver/technician to register the full fillings, to create the services in the time that they have happened, making they register more images too. All the registered events can be filled by the person who have more details about it and the initial and final times will be precise, the real durations will be calculated.
The right used parts will be selected too.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Fleetrun Mobile App

Re: Fleetrun Mobile App

Fernando Brochetto wrote:

As other partners wants a mobile app for Fleeturn, I decided to create this topic.
I've received some requests from partners, now that there is the fuel fillings module I think that this request becomes even more necessary.

Using the app makes possible the driver/technician to register the full fillings, to create the services in the time that they have happened, making they register more images too. All the registered events can be filled by the person who have more details about it and the initial and final times will be precise, the real durations will be calculated.
The right used parts will be selected too.


Thank you for your idea! Mobile app is really asked by a lot of our users.

From your request I see that the most important is to have an opportunity to:

  • change status of an existing service to IN PROGRESS and CLOSED
  • change time of an existing service
  • identify service line items

Am I right?

Do I understand it correctly that you also want to create a new service?

I am looking forward to your reply!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Fleetrun Mobile App

Re: Fleetrun Mobile App

Hello kapa, I've finally got the client answer, here is basecally what he needs:

Viewing, registering and editing intervals;
View, register and edit services, being able to change their times (start / end), status, add images, description, custom fields;
Generate reports and option to share generated report (whatsapp, email, ...).

As the people who is going to use the application are technicians, there would have to be an option to show his name linked to the services, it already exists as personalized field , but it would be interesting if Fleetrun had the registration of technicians as a standard resource.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Fleetrun Mobile App

Re: Fleetrun Mobile App

Let me add one more interesting feature like "Toll Plaza" , "Ferry" Crossing etc. The drivers can add the name and amount paid at the respective crossing


Fleetrun Mobile App

Re: Fleetrun Mobile App

orosgroup wrote:

Let me add one more interesting feature like "Toll Plaza" , "Ferry" Crossing etc. The drivers can add the name and amount paid at the respective crossing

Thank you for your message! Do you mean a user needs to fill in custom fields in a mobile app or have "Toll Plaza" and "Ferry" as a separate fields?

I am looking forward to your answer!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Fleetrun Mobile App

Re: Fleetrun Mobile App

Hello kapa do we have any information if the app is going to be developed?

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Fleetrun Mobile App

Re: Fleetrun Mobile App

Fernando Brochetto wrote:

Hello kapa do we have any information if the app is going to be developed?


As of now, we just seek solution that can be done fast as development of a mobile app will take a long time that is why I need to understand what is needed to be done on a daily basis.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Fleetrun Mobile App

(edited by Fernando Brochetto 24/02/2021 20:59:26)

Re: Fleetrun Mobile App

Hello kapa,
The app would be intended mainly for technicians who work in the workshops to record what was done in maintenance and to manage the services that will be done. Do you think that these procedures could be carried out in any other way than a new app for Fleetrun?
In the conversation we had you told me about Telegram, I asked a client to see what he thought of the idea but I don't know if it would work that way in his case.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Fleetrun Mobile App

Re: Fleetrun Mobile App

Fernando Brochetto wrote:

Hello kapa,
The app would be intended mainly for technicians who work in the workshops to record what was done in maintenance and to manage the services that will be done. Do you think that these procedures could be carried out in any other way than a new app for Fleetrun?
In the conversation we had you told me about Telegram, I asked a client to see what he thought of the idea but I don't know if it would work that way in his case.


As we discussed on the meeting, we plan to do it via Telegram. I believe it will include closure of services.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam