The demand related by the user could be extentended to other problems:"Hello,
Availability is a metric to control whether the vehicle was or not in maintenance. Big fleet companies have some dificulties controlling the time of which the vehicles are in maintenances, many times vehicles stays in maintenances for months and they need a way to avoid this.
This metric added inside Fleetrun can help them to control this mistakes. Knowing which vehicles have the smallest times of availability makes possible you acting faster or even renewing vehicles.
Will have fewer vehicles deactivate"
this was the point that i've propose:
"If we look to the notes of fleetrun, it's possible see that fleetrun show the actual mileage and the total mileage.Consequently if the vehicle is stopped ,your total mileage will be less than the other vehicles.
The reasoning will be the same to this problem:,the only considerations it's the development of a counter parameter.
What it's possible to do it's the user inform the vehicle it's in maintenance.When the user point that the vehicle it's in maintenance and the ingnition it's off, you could start a counter paramater (hours,day,etc),when the service is finished (the user shoud point) and the ingnition it's on,you finished the counter and compute the difference final between the final value- initial value.
If the value it's to large,the user should specify the parameters:More than two days when the ingtion it's off,the counter the should be initialized,to compute the indicator." … 40#p186640
With this problem reported by the user you could analyse the possibility to extend to the other modules,due to the logic it's the same:The fleet's need to plain their maintenance,they need to know at logistics the time of a load and unload a truck,in agriculture in many time occurs inter-harvest period.
The only variables that we know :It's when the ignition is on or off,and the selection of the parameters that the user do.