1. reportResourceId is id of resource where reports created.
If you know resource name (sometimes it can be the same as username / sometimes other) you can search resource by it's name (or you can apply name mask as * to get all available resource) and within flags 8192 (report templates) + 1 (base flag) = 8193, the response will contain resource id and reports template.
(report's name, report's id)
For example,
{"searchSpec":{"itemsType":"avl_resource","propName":"sys_name","propValueMask":"*diana","sortType":"sys_name","propType":"","or_logic":"0"},"dataFlags":8193,"totalItemsCount":1,"indexFrom":0,"indexTo":0,"items":[{"nm":"us_diana","cls":3,"id":21116577,"mu":1,"rep":{"1":{"id":1,"n":"Us report","ct":"avl_unit","c":8513},"2":{"id":2,"n":"CI report","ct":"avl_unit","c":44770}},"repmax":-1,"uacl":-1}]}
"nm":"us_diana" - resource name
"id":21116577 - resource id (reportResourceId)
"rep" - reports collection
"n" - report name, "id" - report template ID ("reportTemplateId")
"ct" - template type (unit report, group report, driver report and etc)
Diana Cheley
Wialon Hosting Expert