Subscription plan methodology

Тема: Subscription plan methodology


I am building up a website as a service provider for GPS tracking solutions.

We want to offer GPS tracking and monitoring as a subscription service via our wialon local on the website. Also, we built a marketplace for clients who would like to buy related devices from vendors.

However, I am struggling to create a subscription plan methodology. Most of the competitors are offering prices by quote base.
I aim to give the clients optional freedom whether they want to have a monthly/yearly subscription, with or without purchasing devices from the marketplace.

Your suggestions are highly appreciated.


Subscription plan methodology

Re: Subscription plan methodology

for more information or help we can help you.

Tramatix пишет:


I am building up a website as a service provider for GPS tracking solutions.

We want to offer GPS tracking and monitoring as a subscription service via our wialon local on the website. Also, we built a marketplace for clients who would like to buy related devices from vendors.

However, I am struggling to create a subscription plan methodology. Most of the competitors are offering prices by quote base.
I aim to give the clients optional freedom whether they want to have a monthly/yearly subscription, with or without purchasing devices from the marketplace.

Your suggestions are highly appreciated.

Qusai Al-Haj | Technical Support & Customer Service Supervisor
alhajq@gmail.com | qalhaj@traking-systems.com | +962 78 6594964 | +966 56 611 7120
Technical Support & Customer Service Supervisor at Tracking Systems
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Subscription plan methodology

Re: Subscription plan methodology

Tramatix пишет:


I am building up a website as a service provider for GPS tracking solutions.

We want to offer GPS tracking and monitoring as a subscription service via our wialon local on the website. Also, we built a marketplace for clients who would like to buy related devices from vendors.

However, I am struggling to create a subscriptionflow plan methodology. Most of the competitors are offering prices by quote base.
I aim to give the clients optional freedom whether they want to have a monthly/yearly subscription, with or without purchasing devices from the marketplace.

Your suggestions are highly appreciated.

In order to create a link that I can send to the client, I use the Stripe API. The subscription plan is created in Stripe first. When creating the link, I select it. Their CC# is entered in a subscription field and the link takes them to a form on my website with all of their custom plan details. Then, they click

Even though it's a bit custom, it was fun to code.