I cannot do a get_trips because of wrong params

Тема: I cannot do a get_trips because of wrong params

Hey everybody, I am tryng to get some data using this endpoint of Wialon Remote Api

https://hst-api.wialon.us/wialon/ajax.h … ;mysid>

passing params in a formData like that ->

params: {"itemId":<itemId>,"msgsSource":1,"timeFrom": 1594291890,
                  "timeTo": 1594293890}

I receive the following error ->

    "error": 4

without any explanation... Could you help me with that please?


I cannot do a get_trips because of wrong params

Re: I cannot do a get_trips because of wrong params

lissa.oliveira, you should execute below command before executing Get Trips command:

http://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/r … d_interval

Have you done it?


I cannot do a get_trips because of wrong params

Re: I cannot do a get_trips because of wrong params

I just find another method to get the trips. I consider it a work around but it works very well!!

I created a message layer and it returns the trips! So awesome.

Thank you for replied !!!