AMIT vehicle telematics router on Wialon for public transit services

(edited by amit_gurtam 20/08/2020 06:49:51)

Topic: AMIT vehicle telematics router on Wialon for public transit services

Integrated with well-known Fleet Tracking Platform- Wialon
Bundled offer of device and Fleet Tracking Platform provides value and off-shelf solution for solution providers or system integrators
Product certifications and approvals obtained for global use
2-year product warranty with extension options available
Product tech support and services supported by AMIT local distributors

link to the product: http://www.amitwireless.com/productDeta … p;pid2=124

sales contact emails: dennis_wu@amit.com.tw; ricardo_marin@amit.com.tw

  • AMIT vehicle telematics router on Wialon for public transit services

AMIT vehicle telematics router on Wialon for public transit services

Re: AMIT vehicle telematics router on Wialon for public transit services

I have used AMIT product before. The quality is good!