Get the "uid" field of item with core/search_item

Topic: Get the "uid" field of item with core/search_item

Hi, i am using this consult to obtain the "uid" field of the items

{\"svc\":\"core/search_item\",\"params\":{\"id\":" + idUnit +

and it works fine with an account, but when i try it with another acount i dont get the field  "uid" with this consult.

Has anyone encountered this situation?


Get the "uid" field of item with core/search_item

Re: Get the "uid" field of item with core/search_item


First please check access right to unit for account under which you execute request. To get information about unit ID user must have access right 'View connectivity settings'
Next also check the token access too - https://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/ … cess_flags - Token flag no less then : 0x200(512)

Diana Cheley
Wialon Hosting Expert