Fuel level from standard OBD2

Topic: Fuel level from standard OBD2

Priviet, i iswinites schto ja pischu po-angliski..

Does anybody have a running solution for getting Fuel level from standard OBD2 port in cars? (no fms in trucks)?
We are experimenting with Gosafesystem GOS979 OBD2 Tracker but its hard to explain the chinese guys what we want...

As i understand there is a PID on OBD2 protocol (12F) which should show Fuel level in %.

Any better ideas? For warranty reasons its not allowed in EU to connect directly wires to the canbus, so only way is to connect to OBD2 Port. (Analog Fuel Sensor connected to the Fuel Tank its also not allowed :-(

Thanks for comments and ideas.

Poka, Wolf.

P.S: the GOS777 OBD2 connector runns fine with Wialon
Generaly Gosafesystem is ok, support is typicaly chinese :-)

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Fuel level from standard OBD2

Re: Fuel level from standard OBD2

wwbusch wrote:

For warranty reasons its not allowed in EU to connect directly wires to the canbus, so only way is to connect to OBD2

You can use Contactless reader CANCrocodile (reads CAN bus signals through wire isolation)

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

Fuel level from standard OBD2

Re: Fuel level from standard OBD2

GoGPS wrote:
wwbusch wrote:

For warranty reasons its not allowed in EU to connect directly wires to the canbus, so only way is to connect to OBD2

You can use Contactless reader CANCrocodile (reads CAN bus signals through wire isolation)

Priviet Eduard,

sposibo sa "CANCrocodile", ja tolko snal "Squarrel" Devices.

My problem is, that on a standard Car / Transporter (not a truck) there seems to be no standard for reading fuel level.
Every manfucactor of cars has his own protocol and is also changing it sometimes by Softwareupdate on next inspection.

So i need something which can be realy connected to every car (by OBD2) port...


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Fuel level from standard OBD2

Re: Fuel level from standard OBD2

Does anybody knows what device is used in CAN auto.pdf what is on FTP.Web site or anything
It says CANlog ,

Best regards


Fuel level from standard OBD2

Re: Fuel level from standard OBD2


Семь лет мак не родился и голода не знали!
С уважением

Fuel level from standard OBD2

Re: Fuel level from standard OBD2

It seems that a special firmware for Teltonika and other GPS devices has to have.These devices communicate on UART protocol.

Any experience?