Topic: How to choose a GPS tracker
Hi guys,
i have tested since 3 years (when we started the gps business here in germany) realy every! gps tracking device from china and taiwan. We are twice a year in HongKong on the big tradeshows to check for new hardware.
My conclusions after realy testing a lot of hw for a long long time:
1.) Buy a sample, get it running. Then write manufactor if they can change for example a bit in the firmware (we always ask manufactor to add function to send alarm message for ignition only after 5 seconds. if they reply that its no problem and you will get new firmware after a view days its a good sign that he is willing to build a perfect device with you together
2.) devices from taiwan not atomaticaly better. We have some devices for asset tracking and also found very fast some bugs / failconstruction etc.
3.) realy every device we had and tested was not 100% perfect. (Nobody is perfect :-)
4.) the price bottom for stable working simple hw (-163dbm receiver, build in antennas, 800mAh battery, 1digital input, 1 digital input, build in memmory) seems to be between 45USD and 50USD. Device with lower costs i never got running for a longer time stable.
5.) Devices with "good brand" like Meitrack, Gosafe, Amtrack from China (with higher functionality, voice, RS232, maybe CANbus) costs between 90-120 USD. Thats the same as "Eastern-European" Devices or a bit less which makes in my eyes not so much sence to buy them.
So we decided for us to buy "chinese" devices for the customers who tell us "but your competitor sell a gps tracker for xxx Euros and on Ebay you can buy GPS tracker for xx Euros" or who need realy simple only position and ignition (most of our customers at the moment) and hig quality (european) devices for all other customers.
P.S. GT02 and GT06 sucks. Sometimes they do not reconnect and the watchdog does not work stable...