Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Topic: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

We're happy to announce that Teltonika FOTA service is now available in Wialon!
Wialon customers don't need any logins/passwords or licenses of Teltonika FOTA.

Supported device list:

Devices that support legacy protocol:
FM1000 FM1100 FM1200 FM2200 FM3200 FM3300 FM3400 FM3600 FM4100 FM4200 FM5300 FM5500 FM6300 FMB630 FMA1 FMA2

Universal Devices that support universal protocol: FM3001 FM3010 FMB001 FMB010 FMB100 FMB110 FMB120 FMB122 FMB125 FMB202 FMB204 FMB206 FMB900 FMB920 FMB962 FMB964 FMT100

Since this implementation required updates on hardware part, remote firmware update is available for particular firmware versions and it will be avaialble for new firmware versions as well.

Devices with 01.03.13 or older fw versions can be updated to firmware version 03.08.05 or 03.18.19 by using the latest configurator (this configurator can be found in the pack with firmware version 03.08.05 or 03.18.19).
For remote update via FOTA, devices with firmware 01.00.32, 01.00.22 or older firmware versions first must be updated to version 01.03.13 and only then to firmware version 03.08.05 or 03.18.19!
FMB0YX and FMB9YX devices with firmware 01.00.32, 01.00.22 or older versions, can be updated directly to 01.03.13 by using firmware updater. Firmware update via Configurator:
01.00.22/ 01.00.32/ 01.03.13 -> 03.08.05 or 03.10.03 - OK
01.00.32 -> 01.03.13 - OK 01.03.13 -> 03.08.05 or 03.18.03 - OK

Wialon manual for Teltonika FOTA service
There are 4 commands available:
1) Send firmware to FOTA server (Virtual) - Upload firmware file to FOTA service. Firmware file should be attached to the command. If such file has already beed uploaded, you'll get the corresponding notification.
2) Update firmware from FOTA server(TCP) - update firmware. In the command settings the following parameters should be entered: firmware name (the list can be obtained by Get firmware list from FOTA server command), APN,APN username,APN password. The device should reply when gets the firmware. You can see the progress of update by "Firmware status" command.
3) Get firmware list from FOTA server(Virtual) - to get the list of available firmware on the server
4) Firmware status (FOTA server)(Virtual) - status of firmware update process

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Sorry my ignorance, what means FOTA ????


Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

alan Sch wrote:

Sorry my ignorance, what means FOTA ????

Firmware Over-The-Air

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

yavi, do you have any plan to add an option to send whole configuration file to device not to set each parameter one by one?


Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

hhamedk For FMB series (and other new devices) only. It's ready now ("send_cfg" and "get_cfg" commands)

Old FM devices can't be implemented because the  format of config file is unique for all modifications.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

how to access the fota from wialon
do you have a link or description on how to use it


Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

hasan.ahmed wrote:

how to access the fota from wialon
do you have a link or description on how to use it

It's not full access into Teltonika FOTA service. It's the possibility to update firmware from Wialon using Teltonika FOTA server.
Please read the first message in this topic.

Wialon manual for Teltonika FOTA service
There are 4 commands available:
1) Send firmware to FOTA server (Virtual) - Upload firmware file to FOTA service. Firmware file should be attached to the command. If such file has already beed uploaded, you'll get the corresponding notification.
2) Update firmware from FOTA server(TCP) - update firmware. In the command settings the following parameters should be entered: firmware name (the list can be obtained by Get firmware list from FOTA server command), APN,APN username,APN password. The device should reply when gets the firmware. You can see the progress of update by "Firmware status" command.
3) Get firmware list from FOTA server(Virtual) - to get the list of available firmware on the server
4) Firmware status (FOTA server)(Virtual) - status of firmware update process

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

i uploaded the configuration file, but i am unable to execute the command over the unit as you see in images below

the device type is FMB204.

  • Teltonika FOTA in Wialon
  • Teltonika FOTA in Wialon
  • Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

what about Ruptela?

Spread the AVL- World

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

hello How can i have the link to log into the FOTA platform,thanks

Digit Vehicle Tracking ltd

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

small_gprs wrote:

what about Ruptela?

You can send firmware directly from Wialon into Ruptela device using Upload firmware (upload_sw) command

digitvehtracking wrote:

hello How can i have the link to log into the FOTA platform,thanks

Please request it from Teltonika.
Wialon just provides the possibility to send firmware file  from Wialon into device using Teltonika FOTA server. But we don't have an access into Teltonika FOTA account with full functionality.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

digitvehtracking wrote:

hello How can i have the link to log into the FOTA platform,thanks


Are you using FOTA (desktop) or FOTA WEB?

Ознакомиться с новыми разработками компании Teltonika можно по ссылке: https://teltonika.lt/ru/company/news-room/product-news/
На сайте Wiki, Вы всегда сможете найти информацию о настройке, подключении приборов: https://wiki.teltonika.lt/view/Main_Page
На FTP-сервере найдете новейшие версии прошивок и мануалов для трекеров: http://teltonika.lt/client/ Login: gurtamf Pass: fmArt2254

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon


We have created new topic about firmware updating through  Wialon!

Link here:
https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php? … 43#p175143

Ознакомиться с новыми разработками компании Teltonika можно по ссылке: https://teltonika.lt/ru/company/news-room/product-news/
На сайте Wiki, Вы всегда сможете найти информацию о настройке, подключении приборов: https://wiki.teltonika.lt/view/Main_Page
На FTP-сервере найдете новейшие версии прошивок и мануалов для трекеров: http://teltonika.lt/client/ Login: gurtamf Pass: fmArt2254

Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

Re: Teltonika FOTA in Wialon

teltonika_support wrote:


We have created new topic about firmware updating through  Wialon!

Link here:
https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php? … 43#p175143

But this topic is exactly about the same  -- firmware update in Wialon.
Why did you create the second one?

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst