Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Тема: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

In other platform we use there is a possibility to delete fuel fillings and fuel thefts. The reason is simple: vehicles often go up and down hills and the sensor identifies a variation in fuel level. This causes the system to detect a false fuel filling/theft.
In the screenshots (fuel x altitude) I'm sending you can see an example.

If you can't delete these events, the values of the fuel consumption/filled are going to be very wrong, so I'd like to suggest the implementation of this tool.

  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

with filtering data events (for discard the sensor error values) u can manage it, you are using Omnicom Online platform, in that platform, you can select different algorithms for fuel fillings and drains detection, in wialon you need to see each single parameters in fuel consumption/calculation tab

We also use Omnicom sensors in wialon for years and we are very happy with actual algorithms for detecting fillings and drains, failures come from bad calibrations table and installation in the correct place above the tank, maybe you need to check related webinars about fuel settings in wialon or ask for help with your sales rep.or Wialon support

good luck

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Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Hello small_gprs,
Which filtering data events do you recommend me for using? In both platforms I'm having this issue, but in Omnicomm I can manage by deleting the false events of filling/theft.

I've tried changing but it didn't solve our problem, the only one that could solve was by changing the minimum filling/theft volume, but if I adjust this with a higher value, we are going to have other problems like not detecting the real fillings/thefts.

  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

could you export the unit to a wlp with all the sensors and fuel consumption and sent it to me, i may find a way to help you


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Hello hasan.ahmed ,
Yes, I'm sending attached an example.

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Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

i added a new sensor, this is to avoid false reading when power source is disconnected.

i also edit the fuel consumption.

hope it work with your viecles.

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Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

(13/12/2019 20:31:31 отредактировано Fernando Brochetto)

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Hello hasan.ahmed , thank you for your help!
I'm sending screenshots of the results.
It helped a lot but didn't solve completly the problem (thefts reduced from 14 to 5 and 5 fillings were reduced, but should be only 4). We live in a place where there is a lot of hills and the vehicles are always going up and down, so I think that the only way to really solve this problem is implementing the tools I wrote before.

First: without your configurations
Second: with your configurations

1: Fillings
2: Consumed
3: Thefts

  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

there is a way,

if you see that the problem happen in a place many times you should draw a geofence and make the report work outside it.

so any filling or theft where made there, the report wont show it


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

also make filtration 10 or 15


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

(13/12/2019 22:22:27 отредактировано Fernando Brochetto)

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Hello hasan.ahmed,
I've tried in some cases using the filtration 255 and didn't worked hahaha,
The idea of geofencing is great, I'm trying here and I'll bring the results.
But with this another problem arises: if the vehicle stops inside the geofence but still working, the platform won't calculate the correct values of mileage and engine hours, so I'll need another table.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

the customer focus on filling and thift most of the time, so the exception of some geofences will only be applied in fuel filling and theft tables.
other table without geofences exception will have engine hours and other stuff that you need.

i think the real problem will be with fuel consumption, i always hide it from my customers and when he want something like that i offer him a report that give him the value of the fuel each 10 min when the vehicle working to avoid consumption problems.


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Hello hasan.ahmed,
I did more tests and it worked with geofences, It's an alternative we can use for now.
Although this solves the problem with fillings and thefts, it doesn't solve with fuel consumption and there is also an a particularity: the icons of fillings and thefts still appears on the map because it is based on the sensors (screenshot).

  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Fernando Brochetto пишет:

the icons of fillings and thefts still appears on the map because it is based on the sensors (screenshot).

You can use filtration for markers also (see the attached file).

Also, I should notice that there is no possibility to delete data in a report. Reports are based on calculated raw data. Every time you request the report it generates from the beginning. Any interval is not a particular element that may be corrected or deleted. You may correct only raw data, that will affect the report data.

  • Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts
Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Re: Delete Fuel Fillings and Fuel Thefts

Hello tata,

You can use filtration for markers also (see the attached file).

Thank you, I didn't know that there was filters for the markers too.

Do you think that it's possible to implement a configuration inside summary reports to ignore fillings/thefts inside geofences?

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul
