Тема: Wialon Hosting
Can anyone please help me about getting satellite-strength of a unit.
Thanks in advance
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Can anyone please help me about getting satellite-strength of a unit.
Thanks in advance
Position has sc field with satellites count. It should be less than 255 (255 means, that specific count is unknown).
Also, message parameters (p field) from some devices can contain hdop/vdop/*dop.
Hi, please help me once again,
actually , I need drivers data, idling , trailer RFID and PTO parameters and Media files and so on.
for driver data: i added "resourceDrivers" library and also "0x00000100" as flag,
but , i am getting null value.
also i did same for retailers as well, but getting null, actually all values i am getting is null
for driver data: i added "resourceDrivers" library and also "0x00000100" as flag,
but , i am getting null value.
Looks strange. session.loadLibrary was called before updateDataFlags/searchItem?
yes, i am calling first loadLibrary(), then updateDataFlags()
var sess = wialon.core.Session.getInstance()
let flags = wialon.item.Item.dataFlag.base | 0x00000100
{ type: "type", data: "avl_resource", flags: flags, mode: 0 }
function(code) {
if (code) {
var resources = sess.getItems("avl_resource")
this is my code
var sess = wialon.core.Session.getInstance()
let flags = wialon.item.Item.dataFlag.base | 0x00000100
{ type: "type", data: "avl_resource", flags: flags, mode: 0 }
function(code) {
if (code) {
var resources = sess.getItems("avl_resource")
)this is my code
Sorry for long reply. Executed same code, it works correctly.
Check for the:
(it should be 1, else you have no access to the drivers service)
resource.getUserAccess() & wialon.item.Resource.accessFlag.viewDrivers
(it should be non-zero, else you has no access to view drivers)
Please help me:
How can I get Moving State of a unit?
I am using Javascript API.
Thank you again.
How can I get Moving State of a unit?
Currently there is no method to get moving state, such as displayed in the monitoring.
We have code similar to:
function getUnitMovingState(unit) {
let info = {
isMoving: false, // by real-time sensor or speed
isIgnitionOn: null, // Boolean | null
isLbs: false,
isStale: true, // expired `unitMovingTimeout`
isPositionPresent: false,
isIgnitionPresent: false,
isRealTimeSensorPresent: false
let pos = getLastKnownPosition(unit);
if (!pos) {
return info;
info.isPositionPresent = true;
//// LBS
info.isLbs = !!(
pos.s <= 0 &&
typeof pos.f === "number" &&
wialon.util.Number.and(pos.f, wialon.item.Unit.dataMessageFlag.lbsFlag)
let serverTime = session.getServerTime();
//// Stale position
let unitMovingTimeout = parseInt(
currentUser.getCustomProperty("mu_move_durr", "3600"),
if (!isFinite(unitMovingTimeout)) unitMovingTimeout = 3600;
info.isStale = unitMovingTimeout < serverTime - pos.t;
//// Sensors
let sensors = unit.getSensors();
let realTimeSensor, ignitionSensor;
for (let prop in sensors)
if (sensors[prop].t === "real-time motion sensor") {
realTimeSensor = sensors[prop];
for (let prop in sensors)
if (sensors[prop].t === "engine operation") {
ignitionSensor = sensors[prop];
//// Ignition
let ignitionSensorValue = null;
if (ignitionSensor) {
ignitionSensorValue = calculateLastSensorValue(unit, ignitionSensor);
if (typeof ignitionSensorValue === "number") {
info.isIgnitionPresent = true;
info.isIgnitionOn = !!ignitionSensorValue;
//// Moving state
let realTimeSensorValue = null;
if (realTimeSensor) {
realTimeSensorValue = calculateLastSensorValue(unit, realTimeSensor);
if (typeof realTimeSensorValue === "number") {
info.isRealTimeSensorPresent = true;
if (typeof realTimeSensorValue === "number") {
info.isMoving = realTimeSensorValue !== 0;
} else {
info.isMoving = pos.s > 0;
return info;
(there is few missing functions like getLastKnownPosition, calculateLastSensorValue, they can be replaced by unit.getPosition, unit.calculateSensorValue, but calculateLastSensorValue should return null instead of -348201.3876 in the case of invalid value)
Then we are visualizing this state.
Hi, I want to get Unit Group Name, I requested with
svc: 'report/exec_report',
params: {
sid: session
also with this
svc: 'core/search_items',
params: {
sid: session
But, I got this exception:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'setName' of undefined
at wialon.item.Item.remoteUpdateName() (wialon.js:11195)
at e (jquery.min.js:4)
at Ab (jquery.min.js:4)
at Ab (jquery.min.js:4)
at Ab (jquery.min.js:4)
at Function.r.param (jquery.min.js:4)
at Function.ajax (jquery.min.js:4)
at eval (Dashboard.vue?98fa:1094)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
I am confused about this, can you please help me?
Are you called remoteUpdateName method directly?
It is internal method and should be called only from SDK itself.
Correct method for name change is updateName.
did not call any method, just put an AJAX request on this URL with this data,
response comes with this error
I see such error for the first time and code says, that remoteUpdateName cannot be called with undefined item.
How are you perform request to core/search_items?
Like this:
itemsType: "avl_unit_group",
propName: "",
propValueMask: "",
sortType: "",
propType: "",
or_logic: false
1, // flags
1, // force
0, // from
0, // to
function(error, result) {
console.log(error, result);
or via other methods?
oops, i made mistake with requesting jquery AJAX request.
thank you so much
hi, i can get last active time of a unit,
i need to get the time of when unit engine is on but not moving (Idle)
can you please help me about this?
hi, i can get last active time of a unit,
i need to get the time of when unit engine is on but not moving (Idle)
This is a bit complicated.
To get historical data, there is three ways:
Events is a most efficient way (because you don't know, how much messages you need to fetch to find message, when engine was on, for some units you can easily fetch megabytes and find nothing; reports internally processing all messages for specified period and can be slow; events are precalculated and in most of the cases will be much faster).
You need to execute events/load with sensors type and some time interval, then events/get.
Something like:
let time = sdk.s.getServerTime();
remote.remoteCall('events/load', {
itemId: 42,
ivalType: 1,
timeFrom: 0, // better to limit it for few days
timeTo: time,
detectors: [{
type: 'sensors',
filter1: 13,
}, function() { ... });
// ... in a callback:
remote.remoteCall('events/get', {
selector: {
type: 'sensors',
timeFrom: time - 24 * 60 * 60,
timeTo: time,
detalization: 3,
(where 13 (filter1) — is an engine sensor id)
Then you can try to find latest interval, where engine was on.
With such interval, you can try to fetch trips from events to find stops inside it (events also has expr, that allow to intersect intervals, but I cannot help with them).
Hi, I have reports of a unit group, and each row also has some child rows,
I am requesting like this to get reports
res.execReport(template, uid, 0, interval,function(code,data){}),
but, i get only first row, cannot get any child rows,
can you please help me about this?
thank you.
See for report/get_result_subrows and report/select_result_rows
this returns null sometimes and sometimes list of commands.
i am confused about this.
can you please help
I am getting user-access as value : 19327369763
and wialon.item.Unit.accessFlag.executeCommands value is: 16777216
so, when checking whether can-execute the command or not, returns false.