Тема: Control Screen for Trackers/Units Removed/Created
We are facing some problems with organization about trackers/units installation and uninstallation.
When a unit is deleted and it's deleted from the trash, there is no way to know when the tracker was installed/unit was created or deleted, to know when and which device was removed.
For example:
1) A client wants to know when a unit stopped of being monitored.
You could use this screen to look for data and find that the unit was removed XX/XX/XXXX XX:XX and was with the tracker ID: XXXXXXXX.
2) You can't find a tracker in the warehouse.
Knowing exactly when the device was removed helped us many times to finde the device.
3) Knowing the last trackers instaled.
As in this screen appear every tracker installed/removed in order, it's easy to get information about the last units/trackers created.
Knowing these informations have many uses. So I suggest to create a screen or implement this informations in the platform.
We have this screen in other platform called as "Workshop" and it's only for our control, so this screen should probably be considered of being implemented into CMS.
Technical Support, Rastreasul