New NimBus feature: server notifications

Тема: New NimBus feature: server notifications

This week we have released a new update NimBus v. 1.9.1. Let's see how it works in more details.

So, a new tab Notifications was added on the Administration page.
To configure notifications for sending to an external server you need to specify the following:

1. Name. "NimBus notifications" is default but you can change it.
2. Server URL.
3. Method, POST or GET.
4. At the moment the following types of events are available:
    - Ride started
    - Stop entered
    - Stop left
    - Stop skipped
    - Unit left the route path
5. Press the Save button.

New NimBus feature: server notifications

So now the system will return the data about ride progress for all the depot. You can decide how to use it further depending on your project's needs and goals.
Also you can always temporarily deactivate configurations and stop receiving notifications, if necessary.
Let's go through an example to understand better the format of data that the system returns.

{"tid":29535,"pos":{"x":30.1256633333,"c":324,"y":59.580005,"s":19},"u":17073454,"rid":12768022,"tp":32,"i":9,"tm":1570095574}, where

"tid": event['data']['tid'], // timetable id
"pos": event['data']['msg']['pos'] // position data
"u": unit id['data']['u'] // unit id
"rid": event['obj_id'], // ride id
"tp": RideEventTypes.STARTED.value // event type (see further)
"i": event['data']['i'], // stop index
"tm": event['triggered_at'], // timestamp of event

Event types (tp) have the following flags:
1 - ride dtarted
32 - stop entered
128 - stop left
256 - stop skipped
2048 - unit left the route path

We will be happy to get your feedback regarding this feature!

  • New NimBus feature: server notifications
Viktoria Chabai
Product Manager, Wialon
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New NimBus feature: server notifications

Re: New NimBus feature: server notifications

This feature is having good potential. Their should be an option to filter notification based on route or ride instead of sending all messages to server which will spam the server

suvi пишет:

This week we have released a new update NimBus v. 1.9.1. Let's see how it works in more details.

So, a new tab Notifications was added on the Administration page.
To configure notifications for sending to an external server you need to specify the following:

1. Name. "NimBus notifications" is default but you can change it.
2. Server URL.
3. Method, POST or GET.
4. At the moment the following types of events are available:
    - Ride started
    - Stop entered
    - Stop left
    - Stop skipped
    - Unit left the route path
5. Press the Save button.

New NimBus feature: server notifications

So now the system will return the data about ride progress for all the depot. You can decide how to use it further depending on your project's needs and goals.
Also you can always temporarily deactivate configurations and stop receiving notifications, if necessary.
Let's go through an example to understand better the format of data that the system returns.

{"tid":29535,"pos":{"x":30.1256633333,"c":324,"y":59.580005,"s":19},"u":17073454,"rid":12768022,"tp":32,"i":9,"tm":1570095574}, where

"tid": event['data']['tid'], // timetable id
"pos": event['data']['msg']['pos'] // position data
"u": unit id['data']['u'] // unit id
"rid": event['obj_id'], // ride id
"tp": RideEventTypes.STARTED.value // event type (see further)
"i": event['data']['i'], // stop index
"tm": event['triggered_at'], // timestamp of event

Event types (tp) have the following flags:
1 - ride dtarted
32 - stop entered
128 - stop left
256 - stop skipped
2048 - unit left the route path

We will be happy to get your feedback regarding this feature!


New NimBus feature: server notifications

Re: New NimBus feature: server notifications

Hello, siju!

Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider this option.

Viktoria Chabai
Product Manager, Wialon
Join our Telegram Update Channel | Следите за обновлениями на нашем Telegram канале