Notification regard geofences

Тема: Notification regard geofences

hi there GURTAM Team

we are working with trains and the manager asked me for a notification that will be triggered  if there was  2 trains inside the same geofence.
any way to do it?


Notification regard geofences

Re: Notification regard geofences


hasan.ahmed пишет:

we are working with trains and the manager asked me for a notification that will be triggered  if there was  2 trains inside the same geofence. any way to do it?

There is no standard feature to do it in 1 click, but still you can try to combine several notifications to get needful result. You'll need the following:

  • 1st group "Out of geofence" containing units outside of the geofence.
  • 2nd group "Inside geofence" containing units inside of the geofence.
  • 1st notification based on group "Out of geofence", that will remove units from group 1 and add them into group 2, if units enter the geofence.
  • 2nd notification should work vice versa: it should be based on group "Inside geofence" and will remove units from group 2 and add them into group 1, if units leave the geofence.
  • Final 3rd notification should be based on group "Inside geofence" and control interposition of units. It should notify manager in any suitable way.

Please, try it, test it and notify us via support@gurtam.com if you have any questions left.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."

Notification regard geofences

Re: Notification regard geofences

i thought about that but i have 112 geofences not just one

so if i want to do it this way i will need more than 200 notification


Notification regard geofences

Re: Notification regard geofences

There are no other standard ways to do it with current functional.
You can create your own functional with a help of API or you can send a new feature request to a special forum branch.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."