Account blocking warning

Тема: Account blocking warning


Wialon sends user notices and mails 3 days before an account get block to warn users. It would be great if we can set a number for days and also for balance for each account which after Days or Balance reaches below that number Wialon start sending blocking warning and notices to users. This will help while we are using Balance instead of Days or while customers invoices are issued annually or each 6 months. Please tell us if you will add such possibility.


Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

Dear Hamed,

There is a possibility to set a negative value for the block. E.g. you set -11 days, then the period between first notification and the real block will be 14 days. And a client will have 2 weeks to react on notifications.

Do you think you can use it?

  • Account blocking warning
Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

tata, we already use this trick.
Requested feature is really useful. The message even may contain the number of days/balances remain before account get blocked.


Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

hhamedk,  you don't mention that you'd like to see the number of days/balances remain before account get blocked in the first post. As I see you just want clients to be notified in advance. The trick with a negative value is a solution for this case, but it would be more user-friendly to show the exact numbers remain. Do I understand you right?
Is Wialon interface message is the only source you use to remind about the payment day?

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

tata wrote:

remain. Do I understand you right?


Is Wialon interface message is the only source you use to remind about the payment day?



Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

tata, any update regarding this case?


Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning



Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

tata, may you please tell me if you decided to implement it or not?


Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

Dear hhamedk, sorry for not answering. We decided to do it. But.. tests show that it works as I wrote before and as expected.
That is why I need more time for research to find the problem and understand how to help you. I believe that something is wrong, but I don't know what exactly.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

tata, any update?


Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

tata, long time that you have approved this, any mews about implementation time?


Account blocking warning

Re: Account blocking warning

Dear Hamed, hhamedk

I apologize for some possible confusion, but there was no development in this regard started or even planned.

Diving a little deeper into your request I have doubts into the problem that you would like to solve:

1) Currently there are no notifications in case the block is by balance and you would like to somehow set up these notifications. How do you see this can work? Let's assume the current balance is 200$ and the block is set to take place when the balance reaches 50$. I do not think notifications by days can happen in this case. Maybe this can be a notification aka 'notify the user when the balance is ... ' What are your thoughts here?

2) In the block by days functionality, by default the notification is sent each day within 5 days prior to the day of the block with the message '5/4/3/2/1 days left...'. If you set the negative value for the block by days, besides the notifications that I just described, you will get messages aka 'your account will be blocked soon'.

Is this functionality not enough? Do you want to get more/fewer notifications? Or customize them somehow?

Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam