Topic: access denied problem while execute report using full access token
I am facing problem during build web application using remote sdk ,
I have got login successfully using a token (with duration=0 and access_type=-1 [full access]) and I got session id then
I used that sid to fetch resources and reports data and I succeeded,
But I got error code 7 (Access Denied) when execute report using the following request and params :
for ex:
is another mean for "access denied – error 7 code" ?is there problem in generated token or there is something which I missed?
I read remote api documentation and I can’t define where is the problem
I hope to help me with a details
note :
basic steps flow
1- login with token and get sid (done)
2-fetch resources with it's reports and driver groups data (done)
3- i have got error 7 while try execute report request (here is the problem)
i recreated token many times but the problem still exist
i hope to help me