Possibility to add tracker directly in app + Geo Fence

Тема: Possibility to add tracker directly in app + Geo Fence

Most apps on the market for gps trackers has the possibility to add the GPS Tracker directly into the app, that simplifies a lot of things.
The best way would be to have a QR code to scan on the app to add it.

This is the most important function according to me, and then adding geo fence and notificaitons.


Possibility to add tracker directly in app + Geo Fence

Re: Possibility to add tracker directly in app + Geo Fence

Hi, thetracker

I agree, that launching a device by QR can make end-users' lives easier.
But every new unit should have some presets like account, device type, and settings.
We have a page for Wiatag QR wiatag.com. It looks like what you requested. I recommend creating your own page with your presets for just your clients with Wialon SDK. That is the way to do something simple. If we try to do in on our side, we should cover all devices with all settings in all Data Centers and so on. It won't be easier and better than now after all.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Possibility to add tracker directly in app + Geo Fence

Re: Possibility to add tracker directly in app + Geo Fence

tata пишет:

Hi, thetracker

I agree, that launching a device by QR can make end-users' lives easier.
But every new unit should have some presets like account, device type, and settings.
We have a page for Wiatag QR wiatag.com. It looks like what you requested. I recommend creating your own page with your presets for just your clients with Wialon SDK. That is the way to do something simple. If we try to do in on our side, we should cover all devices with all settings in all Data Centers and so on. It won't be easier and better than now after all.

Is there any further documentation around the wiatag.com site?


Possibility to add tracker directly in app + Geo Fence

Re: Possibility to add tracker directly in app + Geo Fence

JSON string is encoded in deep-link. So you may generate JSON and make QR-code from that string and scan it from the Wiatag.

key                        description                      type
"uid":               "unit hw uid"                      string
"password":       "unit hw password"         string
"host":               "hw server ip or dns"      string
"port"               "hw server wiatag port"  num
"mode"               "user mode (0-3)"              num
"remoteControl": "enable or not (1 or 0)"   string
"adminPassword": "password"                  string