units export

Тема: units export

is it possible to add exportation to xls in units part for clients to know how many do they have?
They are constantly asking us to send them files with this info.
we created report...but if this can be added it will take as working time,

Locating things

units export

Re: units export


For now you can activate fleet to your customer and export their units in our new app Fleetrun
units export

  • units export

units export

Re: units export

smile....I can also make a picture of the screen... I need in hosting of course... fleet run is not option here by now.

Locating things

units export

Re: units export

The list of units is administrative information. Most administrative manipulations like export are available only in CMS.
It is not correct to duplicate CMS functions in monitoring site as they should perform proper functions and differ. So you can give clients an access to CMS (you can white-label it) or create some easy script to send such data your client regularly.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam