Тема: Retranslators | Assigning Unit Group
We have existing and several potential clients and projects, initially total of 500 but will increase over coming weeks, that requires a data feed from Wialon going to their platform for them to proceed on migrating to the platform.
We suggested to use the Retranslators for this feed. We were also informed that the devices involved will be regularly changing (the feed needs to be turned on/off for some units) which will require us to manually edit the devices added in the Retranslators.
In this regard, can we request to have the Retranslators have the option to add a specific unit group without having to add the units manually? With this, our clients will be able to modify the unit groups that will be fed through the Retranslators without having us to intervene manually.
See attached screenshots of the current and requested Retranslator settings:
• Current setting without the unit groups (enclosed by a bracket)
• Suggested setting with the unit groups(enclosed by a bracket) available