Retranslators | Assigning Unit Group

Тема: Retranslators | Assigning Unit Group

We have existing and several potential clients and projects, initially total of 500 but will increase over coming weeks, that requires a data feed from Wialon going to their platform for them to proceed on migrating to the platform.

We suggested to use the Retranslators for this feed. We were also informed that the devices involved will be regularly changing (the feed needs to be turned on/off for some units) which will require us to manually edit the devices added in the Retranslators.

In this regard, can we request to have the Retranslators have the option to add a specific unit group without having to add the units manually? With this, our clients will be able to modify the unit groups that will be fed through the Retranslators without having us to intervene manually.

See attached screenshots of the current and requested Retranslator settings:
•    Current setting without the unit groups (enclosed by a bracket)
•    Suggested setting with the unit groups(enclosed by a bracket) available

  • Retranslators | Assigning Unit Group
  • Retranslators | Assigning Unit Group

Retranslators | Assigning Unit Group

(10/07/2018 01:27:01 отредактировано techdev)

Re: Retranslators | Assigning Unit Group

personally I will prefer that they fix the units first. !!
If you add an unit "some unit name" with id "some id 123" and then you change the gps of the unit to an id "other id 456", the retranslator still point to "some id 123" instead "other id 456".
Worst, if you stop and resume the translator, the same id remains.
The only way to get rid of this bug is delete the unit of the retranslator, save the retranslator and then add it back.

they got to fix this before move to the group option

Also the group idea may be a big problem if someone with access rights (distributor or may be final user) change it
may be the final user just wants a different sorting option in his account, but it will interfer with the retranslator process, and the worst part is that they will do it inadvertily.(you need a different kind of group for this or a retranslator tab, but not a normal group)

But the issue about the unit must be solved, because if you change the id you simple lost the unit data at all, thus, to me is a bug and a must have for the to do list, or at least a synchronize button somewhere

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