WIalon.js SDk and Angular 4 o angular 5

Тема: WIalon.js SDk and Angular 4 o angular 5


I need use wialon sdk JS with angular 4 o angular 5  but when i try to use this show  the next error ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'core' of undefined, I have no idea what I do wrong, on your github only  there is an example to angularjs not example ther for angular2+. if your help me with this issue , I would be very grateful.

obviously, if it is possible.

Best Regards.


WIalon.js SDk and Angular 4 o angular 5

Re: WIalon.js SDk and Angular 4 o angular 5


From Wialon SDK there's no any framework limitations and we've used it with many different frameworks

Can you send small sample of your code where a problem is?