Demo account management problem

(28/05/2017 00:30:32 отредактировано hhamedk)

Тема: Demo account management problem

Hi everyone

During preparing a new demo account with most Wialon features we faced an issue. We created an account with 2 resources, one resource that our guys create on it Geofences, Report Templates, Notification and... with read-only access for user and another resource with nothing there and full access for user. In this way our experienced guys can present most advanced Wialon features in real on first mentioned resource and on the other hand amateur new users can add/edit/delete any object to/from second resource without any concern about what they do in system and practice it. The problem occurred when  we decided to set some Wialon applications like Sensolator. If you want to create a desktop with a convenient sort of sensors and charts in Sensolator or Dashboard you have to spend some hours for it. Unfortunately there is noway to present demo users such Wialon applications beside prevent them from changing demo application. We are asking dear Gurtam team to find a solution for such cases.

Other valuable partners share their experiments, please!


Demo account management problem

Re: Demo account management problem

We should (or Gurtam should) be able to create a demo account that has a dashboard that the user can access to turn on certain features as well as have say 20 prerecorded trips so that they can initiate to inject the messages to show off the functionality. This should be linked to guidance videos with text explanation so a new customer can see how it is supposed to work and also see how the settings are done. The videos should have the capability for the video text to be translated by the partner into the local language.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Demo account management problem

Re: Demo account management problem

I vote for this feature and believe it would be very helpful globally to Partners

United States

Demo account management problem

Re: Demo account management problem

yeah...  template system for sensolator!

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Demo account management problem

(28/05/2017 23:30:06 отредактировано hhamedk)

Re: Demo account management problem

Hi there

We had problem when we participate in an exhibition to present Wialon. We had prepared demo account but the big problem was we couldn't demonstrate most system features like Notification with demo account at the moment. We asked Gurtam guys and they told can create an emulator for us something like what they use in their exhibitions. That was great! But a problem is remaining still. Such an emulator just repeated predefined events and in case a visitor ask about specific feature to present we might be in trouble. We decided to find a solution for this problem. One option was Wialon IPS Emulator. Unfortunately this emulator just send points based on Latitude & Longitude which you  enter in input boxes. It's so hard or even impossible to change coordinates manually and in case you the Superman can do it you will face more terrible problem! Cordinates you entered won't follow a real passage and it seems your emulated unit fly over buildings like a Plane or goes off-road like War Tank. In most cases demonstration units with this emulator just work for system element related to Inputs and Parameters and there is no possible way to trace a real exact route.
We recently did some changes in Wialon IPS emulator in a way that we think can be used as an useful demonstration tool. We just add a possibility to read a .wln file (exported from Wialon) and use this file as coordinates source, meaning the emulated unit in Wialon moves through real roads and passages and beside it you have an ability to set/send any value for Inputs, Outputs or Custom Parameters.

Here you can find a executable file, please test it and share your ideas. I believe that there is many great ideas we can add to it but you know, it takes time and we don't have enough time to do this. Any other partners may want to add more functions to it, ask me to provide them with source code. I will put the project in GitHub in nearest future.

Опубликовать вложения

Иконка вложений WialonIPS Emulator GGRCO Commitment.rar 38.99 Кб, файл был скачан 415 раз(а) 


Demo account management problem

Re: Demo account management problem

Hi hhamedk, JohnG, wwbusch aka Buwo

That is definitely a valid request. I will keep you posted on the updates.

Pavel Bushuyeu
Product Owner, Mobile

Demo account management problem

Re: Demo account management problem

Pavel Bushuyeu, any update?


Demo account management problem

Re: Demo account management problem

Only real way we found to do the demo when connectivity is a problem is to run a version Wialon local on a small industrial PC and then inject the trips. We create the scenarios in the trip to trigger the notifications based on what the customer wants to see so we can do a simulation of a live trip but fully manage the alerts and when and how they trigger. This also means we can do a POC without needing a live vehicle.

If Gurtam can come up with a better simulation solution that would be great.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Demo account management problem

(12/10/2017 10:20:54 отредактировано hhamedk)

Re: Demo account management problem

JohnG wrote:

Only real way we found to do the demo when connectivity is a problem is to run a version Wialon local on a small industrial PC and then inject the trips. We create the scenarios in the trip to trigger the notifications based on what the customer wants to see so we can do a simulation of a live trip but fully manage the alerts and when and how they trigger. This also means we can do a POC without needing a live vehicle.

If Gurtam can come up with a better simulation solution that would be great.

John, did you check the emulator I shared? using it you can have many units in Wialon that each one go through a real passage/route and you are able to send any parameter to it. So, if you have notifications, alerts or... to trigger on some parameters you will receive them. Is it what you mean exactly or there is some misunderstanding between us?


Demo account management problem

Re: Demo account management problem

Pavel Bushuyeu, Any update?


Demo account management problem

Re: Demo account management problem

Hi, hhamedk

There was a decision to populate the test account with more vehicles and make sure that they are moving, have notifications, etc. The task is given to the support department, who manages such demo accounts. I will notify you once it is completed.

Pavel Bushuyeu
Product Owner, Mobile