Covert tracking

Topic: Covert tracking

We are looking for a small battery operated tracking unit for private investigation work, ideally it would have a magnetic base to secure to the vehicle and be able to send in data to produce a journey report. If any one knows of any unit that fits our requirements and woks via the Wialon system please let me know.


Covert tracking

Re: Covert tracking

trac360sales wrote:

for private investigation work.

I dunno, how about UK, but covert type of blackboxes is forbidden in Russia. Only licensed organizations can develop, produce and use them here, and i'm almost shure, that legislation in personal data sphere in UK cannot allow it either.


Covert tracking

Re: Covert tracking

Hi, private investigators do use these in the UK I have been asked by a few of these investigators to see if I an supply them on a rental basis.


Covert tracking

Re: Covert tracking

hi trac360sales,

we use this devices (beneath many other) http://xeelectech.com/products/pro-47.html
Configuration sucks totaly but after you know how to configure they are very stable.
(and price is fine).

If you like more professional hardware have a look at this: http://www.wondeproud.com/product_5_1_1.html
(Wonde Proud M7)


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Covert tracking

Re: Covert tracking

Contact DF International in Miami,FL they got you covered with same day international and domestic shipping. With personal covert units