Ignore the messages after the ignition is turned off implementation

Тема: Ignore the messages after the ignition is turned off implementation


Lately we have been busy with special project, that includes heavy equipment with irregular fuel tanks and fuel sensors.

We have configured devices settings, web application settings and uploaded latest device FirmWare, but nothing has reduced the
amount of false notifications.

Diagnostics have showed us, that false fuel theft notifications are registered when engine has turned off (ignition is off)
and when analog delta values go over marginal rate. This is because fuel moves in tank after driving.

Our solution/logic is that when ignition is on, fuel thefts are not registered. This is already implemented and works well with basic fuel
check solution for client.

Only resolution for false notifications is "Ignore the messages after the ignition is turned off" timer setting, similarly to start of the motion.



Ignore the messages after the ignition is turned off implementation

Re: Ignore the messages after the ignition is turned off implementation

There is an option in unit's settings "Detect fuel thefts in motion". It is not activated by default so thefts are calculated only on stops by default.

Did you write to our support with the description of your problem? Maybe it can be solved by current functionality.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam