iDriveSafe calculation access

Тема: iDriveSafe calculation access

Is it possible to get acces to be able to understand how the rating iscalculated and to be able to modify the rating algorithm? I understand that the parameters that are used do not come from any device based alerts but are calculated form position data. I think that there should be an option to use device based data as this is ususlly being calculated over very short periods.

Currently we are getting results that do not make sense such as for one trip that has 20+ violations has a higher rating than a trip that only has one violation. So an understanding of the algorithm being used would help.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

The rating is device-independent and based on intensity of braking, acceleration and how precise are turns. You can choose between different types of units, and different rating coefficients will be used accordingly.

Please note that there are three assessment levels that can lead to different results as well.


iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

I saw the assessment levels under settings but what does it actually change in the underlying algorithim for rating?

Where do we chnage the coefficients? Is this the different vehicle types?

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

When you change vehicle type and/or assessment level the coefficients used in algorithm are adjusted as well.


iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

The coefficent locked to the vehicle type may not be granular enough to give meaningfull results as a generalization for a vehicle Truck should define if it is a liquid tanker, fuel tanker, cargo vehicle etc

How do we take into account if the more critical than an unvehicle is loaded or unloaded? A harsh cornering recording in a loaded vehicle is more critical than one in an empty vehicle.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

iDriveSafe calculation access

(05/06/2014 18:40:15 отредактировано shmi)

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

iDriveSafe is now available in Slovak!
Thanks to our partner. More info on github.com


iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

We really need to be able to use the 3 Ax data events from the devices and incorporate into the iDriveSafe app.  The device data is far more accurate and able to be tuned to the specific vehicle.  It is essential to keep up with customer demand.  We also need to be able to output the rankings into a excel report format for larger customers.  iDriveSafe is really a great sales app.  Thank you.


iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

Hi Fleetlogistik,

on Partner-Conference it was told, that Gurtam is working on this (implementation of G Sensor Data into idrivesave)
So it will come...


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

Yep, the feature is in active development & testing at the moment. Drive quality criterios will be avaible in standard unit setting dialog.
iDriveSafe calculation access

At the dark side of telematics...

iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

Ниче се smile or in english WOWUCH smile

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

Outstanding!!  Any idea when we can start using/testing in the field?  I have a potential client very keen on this.  Thanks again.


iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

fleetlogik пишет:

Outstanding!!  Any idea when we can start using/testing in the field?  I have a potential client very keen on this.  Thanks again.

It depends on testing results, but I assume that in January it will be avaible on http://dev.hosting.wialon.com

At the dark side of telematics...

iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

Feature is in active development & testing at the moment. After initial testing on customers base we decided to update algorithm and moreover, simplify it and put some logic internally into hardware.

At that moment we staying on three most important eco-driving criteries:

1. Penalties for overspeeding.
2. Penalties for harsh braking, harsh acceleration and harsh cornering. Data is automatically gathering from GPS or embedded accelerometer.
3. Penalties based on custom sensor. This works for any device with special eco-driving configuration, like Ruptela or Cellotrack or whatever you want to control.

February - is our month for intensive internal testing of  this feature, one more iteration to deliver you valuable product ready for use.

At the dark side of telematics...

iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

Does someone using this feature?
The algoritm is still  based on calculated data from geo location - so its useless.
Braking / acceleration / cornering - are guesed on calculating sequential data.
But it has to be based on real time analisys of can_speed data or/and accelerometer data.

We can get and use harsh acceleration / harsh braking data from our Ruptelas (TCO3).
But we can't implement it in iDriveSafe/Eco drive, or driver/behavior report.
It generates too much useless data, although not showing real data registered by device.


iDriveSafe calculation access

Re: iDriveSafe calculation access

The algorithm based on GPS data can be useful, if data is collecting rather often and if you don't want something specific. iDriveSafe shows the overall picture of driving behavior rather well.

If you want to set Eco driving by device data, just create some sensors and set them as a custom criterion.
Our support team can help you with settings.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam