Тема: Update TimeZone and DST Value
Hi Support,
I want to update the TimeZone and DST settings of a user and what is the correct way to achieve it ?
I am seeing a batch command was used to update it via CMS which was shown below, do I need to stick to the same batch as well ?
DST update shown below was not required I guess - Am I correct or I am missing anything here ?
Please share me proper way to update TZ and DST settings for an user - Thanks
Current API for updating TZ and DST :
{"svc":"render/set_locale","params":{"tzOffset":-134170192,"language":"en","flags":257,"formatDate":"%b-%E-%Y %H:%M"}},
{"svc":"user/update_locale","params":{"userId":14033536,"locale":{"fd":"%b-%E-%Y_%I:%M %p","wd":1}}}