Topic: How to get both id and position information in single search api call
I used below api request to get the last known position of all machines:
'' + session_id + '&svc=core/search_items¶ms={"spec":{"itemsType":"avl_unit","propName":"sys_name","propValueMask":"*","sortType":"sys_name"},"force":1,"flags":1024,"from":0,"to":0}'
But it does not give me the information about the device id.
How can i find it?
I can do search by id but I want to find the information for all machine in a single api call.
I tried batch call also,
search_url = '¶ms=['all_ids and flag=1024']&sid=' + session_id
but once I provide ids in batch , the response does not have the id hence i cannot differenciate the devices