How to get both id and position information in single search api call

(edited by roshan.chhetri 05/07/2017 23:18:12)

Topic: How to get both id and position information in single search api call

I used below api request to get the last known position of all machines:

'http://hst-api.wialon.com/wialon/ajax.html?sid=' + session_id + '&svc=core/search_items&params={"spec":{"itemsType":"avl_unit","propName":"sys_name","propValueMask":"*","sortType":"sys_name"},"force":1,"flags":1024,"from":0,"to":0}'

But it does not give me the information about the device id.

How can i find it?
I can do search by id but I want to find the information for all machine in a single api call.

I tried batch call also,

search_url = 'http://hst-api.wialon.com/wialon/ajax.html?svc=core/batch&params=['all_ids and flag=1024']&sid=' + session_id

but once I provide ids in batch , the response does not have the id hence i cannot differenciate the devices


How to get both id and position information in single search api call

Re: How to get both id and position information in single search api call

You can combine flags to get all needed information

From docs
1 - base flag
1024 - last message and position
Send flags=1025 if you need both


How to get both id and position information in single search api call

Re: How to get both id and position information in single search api call

roshan.chhetri wrote:

Thanks it worked, the information "t" in the response is the timestamp in seconds?

Yes, we use Unix time

Response format here


How to get both id and position information in single search api call

Re: How to get both id and position information in single search api call

Good post, thanks!


How to get both id and position information in single search api call

Re: How to get both id and position information in single search api call
