Тема: Logistics 1.14: New features added
Hi everyone!
We keep improving Logistics. Getting your feedback helps us to add proper features for your convenience. So don’t forget to tell us what you think! And now let’s see what’s new in Logistics 1.14?
Adding order to already created route
When the routes are already created the necessity to add an extra order may raise. For example, you just received a new order or a pick up that perfectly fits one of the couriers.
Adding order to already existing route is now available through button “Edit” in the route line.
Simply drag and drop to change the list position of the added order.
Edit parameters for several checked orders
You can now apply changes to several checked orders by using the new “Edit parameters of selected orders” button. The pop-up menu allows you to edit certain parameters: delivery interval, unloading time and tags.
New types of route push notifications
Now the courier gets quick push notifications when an extra order is added or deleted to the route. The received notification driver the user straight to the route showing the added order location.
Additionally, new tags were added to the notification text (Settings/Notifications):
- ORDER_NEW and ORDER_REMOVE ― new and deleted orders names
- ORDER_NEW_COUNT and ORDER_REMOVE_COUNT ― the number of orders added and deleted