Fetch Account with dealerRights disabled

Topic: Fetch Account with dealerRights disabled

I have tried to fetch all the account with dealerRights disabled using below remote API. But its returning only one record.

1. Account with dealerRights disabled

svc : core/search_items

params :  {"spec":{"itemsType":"avl_resource","propName":"rel_is_account,sys_account_enable_parent,sys_name","propValueMask":"1,0,*","sortType":"sys_name"},"force":1,"flags":5,"from":0,"to":0}

Result : 1 Account

Excepted Result : 36 Account

2. Account with dealerRights enabled

svc : core/search_items

params :  {"spec":{"itemsType":"avl_resource","propName":"rel_is_account,sys_account_enable_parent,sys_name","propValueMask":"1,1,*","sortType":"sys_name"},"force":1,"flags":5,"from":0,"to":0}

Result : 20 Account

3. All Account

svc : core/search_items

params :  {"spec":{"itemsType":"avl_resource","propName":"rel_is_account,sys_name","propValueMask":"1,*","sortType":"sys_name", "propType":"rel_is_account,sys_account_enable_parent,sys_name"},"force":1,"flags":5,"from":0,"to":0}

Result : 56 Account


Please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong here

J Prabhu

Fetch Account with dealerRights disabled

Re: Fetch Account with dealerRights disabled

prabhu.janakiraman, we analized this problem and going to make fix. But as temporary solution You can search for accounts with dealer rights and subtract it from total count.

Head of Wialon Local Department