Algorithm of controlling a passenger

Topic: Algorithm of controlling a passenger

"Data on passengers (getting into/out) is reset at the end of the day (at 00:00). In the system it is recognized as no passengers left in vehicles."

As per the above algorithm, any passengers left in the buses will be reset at 00:00 Hrs. This means that such passengers will be unbound from the vehicles even if they boarded the bus at 23:50 i.e. just 10 minutes before 00:00.

We need to set up passengers for a client who works around the clock and so they wouldn't want the passengers to be reset at midnight.

It would be nice if there was an option to turn on/off the 00:00 hrs passenger reset so that for such customers also the passenger module would work fine.

Just as we have an "Exclusive" option in driver properties, we could have a "Reset at midnight" option in passenger properties.


Algorithm of controlling a passenger

Re: Algorithm of controlling a passenger

jishi, OK, I get your idea. We'll try to do something.

While we're working on it, could you please be so kind to tell us more about your client's business. Who are those people workibg around the clock? What do they do? What is the business about? Do they really board any transport or this is just another application of RFID?

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)

Algorithm of controlling a passenger

Re: Algorithm of controlling a passenger

The client is a transportation company handling the transportation of call centres and other BPO services in an IT park. The people in the IT Park work around the clock and they handle their drop off and pick up.


Algorithm of controlling a passenger

Re: Algorithm of controlling a passenger

That's interesting. We'll see what we can do about reset at midnight.

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)

Algorithm of controlling a passenger

Re: Algorithm of controlling a passenger

jishi, I'm back.
How about resetting passenger after 10 hours of being on the bus (instead of midnight).
Will it help?

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)

Algorithm of controlling a passenger

Re: Algorithm of controlling a passenger

Hi jishi,
We have fixed the algorithm so that passengers are not reset at midnight.
Please check this and give us your feedback.

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)