Thank you, but I have a problem because perhaps the proccess of execute the two libraries cause a collision because the first execute found the sensors and execute the report ok but, the second time only to get sensors or report its depend.
Is this is because threads in the process?
Add a code of example.
var res_flags = wialon.item.Item.dataFlag.base | wialon.item.Resource.dataFlag.reports;
var unit_flags = wialon.item.Item.dataFlag.base | wialon.item.Unit.dataFlag.sensors | wialon.item.Unit.dataFlag.lastMessage;
var sess = wialon.core.Session.getInstance(); // get instance of current Session
sess.loadLibrary("resourceReports"); // load Icon Library
sess.updateDataFlags( // load items to current session
type: "type",
data: "avl_resource",
flags:res_flags ,
mode: 0
}, // especificación del recurso
type: "type",
data: "avl_unit",
flags: unit_flags,
mode: 0
}], // especificacion de unidades
function (code) { // updateDataFlags callback
if (code) {
} // exit if error code
var res = sess.getItems("avl_resource");
if(!res || !res.length){
msg("Resources not found");
for (var i = 0; i< res.length; i++) // construct Select object using found resources
$("#res").append("<option value='" + res[1].getId() + "'>" + res[1].getName() + "</option>");
getTemplates(); // update report template list
$("#res").change( getTemplates ); // bind action to select change
// get loaded 'avl_unit's items
var units = sess.getItems("avl_unit");
if (!units || !units.length){
msg("Units not found");
} // check if units found
for (var i = 0; i< units.length; i++){ // construct Select object using found units
var u = units[i]; // current unit in cycle
// append option to select
$("#units").append("<option value='"+ u.getId() +"'>"+ u.getName()+ "</option>");
//getSensors(); // get Sensors for currently selected unit
// bind actions to selects
//$("#units").change( getSensors );
// getSensors(); // get Sensors for currently selected unit
// bind actions to selects
//$("#units").change( getSensors );
//$("#sensors").change( getSensorInfo );
// bind action to select change event
$("#units").change( getSelectedUnitInfo );
var sess1 = wialon.core.Session.getInstance();
[//pecificación del recurso
type: "type",
data: "avl_unit",
flags: unit_flags,
mode: 0
}], // especificacion de unidades
function (code) { // updateDataFlags callback
if (code) {
} // exit if error code
var units = sess1.getItems("avl_unit");
if (!units || !units.length){
msg("Units not found");
} // check if units found
for (var i = 0; i< units.length; i++){ // construct Select object using found units
var u = units[i]; // current unit in cycle
// append option to select
$("#units").append("<option value='"+ u.getId() +"'>"+ u.getName()+ "</option>");
getSensors(); // get Sensors for currently selected unit
// bind actions to selects
$("#units").change( getSensors );
// bind action to select change event
//$("#units").change( getSelectedUnitInfo );