more detailed error messages in CMS

Тема: more detailed error messages in CMS

Just had my loved "there is an error" message in cms... (ok, it said "there was an error creating the unit"...

I would love to get a more detailed error message like "you have not the rights to create this or that" or "this account has not enough free units" or so...



Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

more detailed error messages in CMS

Re: more detailed error messages in CMS


Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

more detailed error messages in CMS

Re: more detailed error messages in CMS

wwbusch aka Buwo, please provide more detailed description of what were you doing at that moment, so that we would know what kind of error needs to be singled out.

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)

more detailed error messages in CMS

Re: more detailed error messages in CMS

Alek,sorry, too long ago, next time i will send a message.



Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

more detailed error messages in CMS

Re: more detailed error messages in CMS

I can, give example.

Account had disabled few services: Create units, Create resources, Units, etc. Lets call this account as CLIENT_AC
User of this account had disabled option "Can create items". Lets call this user as CLIENT

We do it to totally block possibility to see units tab, and creating new units by CLIENT. (We know biling restrictions)

We were loged in as "super admin" to CMC. "Super admin" can do everything we thought.
We tried to create new unit on CLIENT_AC by selecting CLIENT user as creator.
We couldn't do that, and got unclear error message. It was strange that "Super admin" can't do that,  bypassing CLIENT_AC and CLIENT restrictions.
So we configured CLENT settings and enabled option "Can create items".
We tried to create device again and we had this same situation.
We repeated few steps again by enabling the disabled services, and done.
Device was created. There wasn't any clear information about reason why we get errors messages.
At the end we disable again services and "Can create items" option.

So this is one example how error messages are not clear. If I remember the message, it was something of existance of unit with the same properties.

At this point also I'm asking why as "super admin" I can't do things which are restricted for users. Why "super admin" can't bypass user restrictions?


more detailed error messages in CMS

Re: more detailed error messages in CMS

This type of error cannot be deciphered or detailed anyhow. The main issue here is in misuse of billing services. If the billing service 'Create units' is disabled in the account where you are trying to create a unit, there can be no success.
The error probably will be 'Unable to create item'. And the only thing we can exchange it for is 'Access denied' but I don't think it will help anything in this particular matter.

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)