Topic: Atrack AX7
Good day all
please i need the configuration of the eco driving with Atrack device or a sample configuration . someone can help me.
Best regards
Good day all
please i need the configuration of the eco driving with Atrack device or a sample configuration . someone can help me.
Best regards
rostand Please clarify the model of equipment Atrack.
For OBD2 trackers (for example AX7) there is a problem with calibration of accelerometer. That's why it is rather complicated to analyze eco driving parameters.
We use AK1, AT5 and AX7. I need to configure speeding, harsh braking and acceleration
Good day all
please i need the configuration of the eco driving with Atrack device or a sample configuration . someone can help me.Best regards
There are two possible ways to analyse driving behaviour.
1) You can add "%GV" parameter by AT$FORM command.
Atter that your devices will start to send %GV parameter and you will see parameters "gx", "gy", "gz" in messages in Wialon, which will contain acceleration value for an appropriate axis (x, y or z).
In this case you can indicate appropriate settings on the Eco-Driving tab of the unit properties dialog on the basis of parameters "gx", "gy" and "gz":
2) It is also possible to configure Atrack devices to send specific report ID when some event happens (for example, acceleration/deceleration).
In this case you will see appropriate "report_id" parameter in messages in Wialon and you will be able to use it for Notifications, for example. It is better to request Atrack support about configuring specific events.
thank you for the information.
the data from report ID come in messages. however, how do we configure those data received in sensor???
rostand please ask, including information about ID of your unit