Тема: *.xml file of AVD map
Hello DEAR,
I am using following xml file. But WL is can't confile this. Where is the promblem?
I am trying to combine few shape files in one xml file.
<conv name="mymap" encoding="utf8">
<layer file="Building.shp">
<features type="210" max_level="1" name="$NAME" is_house="1" address="$NAME"/>
<layer file ="city.shp">
<features type="65" max_level="2" name="$name" is_city="1" address="$name"/>
<layer file ="town.shp">
<features type="66" max_level="1" name="$name" is_city="1" address="$name"/>
<layer file="lakes.shp">
<features type="131" max_level="2" name="$NAME" address="$NAME"/>
<layer file="cross_roads.shp">
<features type="50" max_level="0" name="$NAME" address="$NAME"/>