Authorization form with node.js

Topic: Authorization form with node.js

Hi. Can you explain me? How i can create authorization form (to wialon) in my website with node.js. Or you can recommend me another way to create it, with my own design.


Authorization form with node.js

Re: Authorization form with node.js

satenik, may be you need smth like this http://sdk.wialon.com/playground/demo/t … mple_form?

Head of Wialon Local Department

Authorization form with node.js

Re: Authorization form with node.js


Node.js is server side technology while authorization form is on client so I'm little bit confused.

Generally you have to show page with auth form, to apply your design you can pass css_url


Also check playground example


Authorization form with node.js

(edited by satenik 21/04/2016 12:53:59)

Re: Authorization form with node.js

I'm using this link. And after authorization i want to enter my page. How can i execute that step. Like a login. I also know about http://hosting.wialon.com/login_simple.html. But it works different. There you must enter your login & password, after that you must choose the link of wialon. I want enter my login & password and instantly log to my userpage. How can i do that?


Authorization form with node.js

Re: Authorization form with node.js

satenik, do you mean you need to instantly login to wialon monitoring site after entering login and password on login.html form?
If so - there is parameter redirect_uri for login.html form where you can pass for example http://hosting.wialon.com and after entering correct login and password you'll be authorized at monitoring site.
P.S. this feature will appear on hosting next week after our scheduled update (25 April).

Head of Wialon Local Department

Authorization form with node.js

Re: Authorization form with node.js

Hi there. Can you tell me, except of using authorization template, how can i also get tokens. I want to use it in my code. If there is some function or method getToken(), please inform me. smile


Authorization form with node.js

Re: Authorization form with node.js

If you aren't uthorized you can generate token only using our form login.html or login_simple.html
If you are already authorized you can manage tokens for current user or subusers using this request http://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/r … en/update.

Head of Wialon Local Department