How to use (configure) a Calamp LMU2720 for the fuel DUT-E 232

Topic: How to use (configure) a Calamp LMU2720 for the fuel DUT-E 232

Hello everybody, I'm trying to use a DUT-E 232 of technoton in a Calamp LMU2720, I'm new using these devises and I have no idea to confugure it, Is there somebady to may help me please?

I´m trying to use the LMU Manager to do it.

Thank you very much!


How to use (configure) a Calamp LMU2720 for the fuel DUT-E 232

Re: How to use (configure) a Calamp LMU2720 for the fuel DUT-E 232

I find them very complicated (CalAmp) and was always advised to get someone that know how to script them to do it for you.

Our supplier here in Australia does it for us at a cost but even we still have issues.

I've not looked at the CalAmp PULS scripting software personally but that's what is used to script them.

Sorry but can't offer anything else.


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How to use (configure) a Calamp LMU2720 for the fuel DUT-E 232

Re: How to use (configure) a Calamp LMU2720 for the fuel DUT-E 232

use Calamp LMU2720 and Omnicomm LLS20160 is muchs easier and faster , please PM

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How to use (configure) a Calamp LMU2720 for the fuel DUT-E 232

Re: How to use (configure) a Calamp LMU2720 for the fuel DUT-E 232

Detailed information about DUT-E 232 connection in the Operation Manual (Spanish version) at http://www.jv-technoton.com/data/dc/DUT … ciones.pdf
Technoton technical support is available by e-mail support@technoton.by

Сергей Львов
СП Технотон,  Минск,  Беларусь