Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Тема: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Hello Partners

We have many customers who have asked car booking system. Basically company has 30 cars and 50 workers and secretary has all the keys in front desk.

Currently client using Google Calendar were workers can book cars, but would be nice to have it available under Wialon Apps so booking system is connected with Drivers Logbook.

If driver makes for example car 123 ABC reservations for whole day tomorrow then driver name will be added for that day after every drive as a driver. Bind driver.

During the booking driver can also choose is it business or private drive and add free Notes like “Package delivery”, “Customer X visit” etc.

Driver name, Trip status and Notes will be automatically transferred from Booking System to Drivers Logbook and under different reports.

Customers using leased cars so sometimes they have limits how much they can drive every month. If those mileages are exceeded the booking system is disabled for that car in that month. Bookings can be made for the next month only.

Corporate customers need that kind of booking system for car sharing or carpooling.

In the future if Wialon will develop that booking app and adds possibility to add calendar view to customer websites like Google calendar, then every car rental business can start using Wialon booking app and get all the info in one report, like who rented for how long and so on.

Have any odder company need for that kind of solution or it’s just us?

  • Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Hi CarCops,

i am afraid that car rental companies has much more complex booking systems.
I also believe, that Wialon is a Fleetmanagement plattform and not a car rental system ;-)

Nevertheless its so easy to realize your needs:
Just create a clean logic and technical task for this, than let someone code this for you together with the Wialon SDK / API System and configure it as a Wialon APP in Wialon.

For mobile usage i just would create a special webbased mobile site on your system.

I think if logical structure is done and you have complete screenshots (photoshop) of your workflow a coder will do that in just less than one month.


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Magenta technology has a modlule called Echo,


Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Hi Carcops,

This Firm has the solution you need : http://www.bce.lt/en



Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Hi, we are also looking for this type of solution for City Halls that have common cars between departments. Please contact me if you found any kind of solution or know or to create one from wialon tools

Best Regards


Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Hello, just recently we have been integrated with Qwekee car sharing platform, so that any of our partners could render car sharing services as well.
Please read more on our blog and Qwekee website:
http://weblog.gurtam.com/2016/07/wialon … ng-market/

If your have any questions, please contact Qwekee company to get more information for your region.

Marketing specialist, Gurtam

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

I think that this consideration needs to be looked at as we have many customers that run car pools for employees and even contractors. I think that some way of allocating to a staff member via the route management side my be a way forward. So the route is bound to an employee or contractor and we have the capability to add notes, or custom fields to routes.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

This is pretty interesting.


Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

JohnG , gigasec
Maybe you have some ideas about corporative car sharing?  Can it be useful and helpful for business? What aim it can have?
Do you want to have such kind of instrument based on Wialon?

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Hi Tata,

Many companies have car pools so a number of cars that can be booked by employees for going to a site. These cars may not be owned by the company but by a leasing company that provides them on demand. The vehicles have GPS units fitted so can be placed on Wialon. They do not have dedicated drivers allocated as the employee is the driver. However the company still wants to capture the driver behaviour in Wialon. Plus they want to look at the frequency of the pool usage to determine if it is better for them to purchase a vehicle rather that trip lease.


Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

(11/01/2018 23:27:23 отредактировано fleetlogik)

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

tata пишет:

JohnG , gigasec
Maybe you have some ideas about corporative car sharing?  Can it be useful and helpful for business? What aim it can have?
Do you want to have such kind of instrument based on Wialon?

This topic came up in a discussion with prospect today. Seems to be a feature not penetrated by competition, relatively simple expectations and a great tie in to core GPS tracking.  Any further thoughts?



Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Thank you, Greg,  for the participation in this discussion.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

tata пишет:

JohnG , gigasec
Maybe you have some ideas about corporative car sharing?  Can it be useful and helpful for business? What aim it can have?
Do you want to have such kind of instrument based on Wialon?


Looks like many fleet managment providers have developed car booking solution for theyr customers.

https://www.mapon.com/en/fleet-manageme … le-booking

We would like to now Gurtam future plans regarding this car booking solution.


Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Hello Tata

As this solution comes up more and more by customers then I'm sure that implementing Google Calendar like a solution in a mobile app is not even a challenge for Gurtam.

Here is a VIDEO how it should work in mobile - www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWBKQ8emJNY
Here is a VIDEO how it should work in computer - www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfJtQsIBrWo

Basically, copy paste Google Calendar functionality to a mobile app and call it "Booking" or "Reservation" - done.
In computer add Calendar app - done.

Hope this explains that it's not some big development request - its simple calendar function request.


Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Dear CarCops Autovalve,
I know that my colleague already sent you the contact of the company that has a CarSharing solution based on Wialon.

If you need just a calendar it may be done as an external app with some open calendar plugin and Wialon API.

In Wialon we may add calendar when we sure that more partners need a calendar (not a CarSharing solution), we know the problems that calendar solve and there is no better solution.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Hello, Riho (CarCops Autovalve)!

Soon we can present our booking apps, let me know pls if You are interested. App based on Wialon platform.

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Please send me available solutions for car booking apps


Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

aahero пишет:

Please send me available solutions for car booking apps


We are ready to show something

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

You can share it for me to refer


Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

CarCops Autovalve пишет:
tata пишет:

JohnG , gigasec
Maybe you have some ideas about corporative car sharing?  Can it be useful and helpful for business? What aim it can have?
Do you want to have such kind of instrument based on Wialon?


Looks like many fleet managment providers have developed car booking solution for theyr customers.

https://www.mapon.com/en/fleet-manageme … le-booking

We would like to now Gurtam future plans regarding this car booking solution.


Have you found any solution for car booking via Wialon?

Best regards


Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

aahero пишет:

Have you found any solution for car booking via Wialon?

We have booking app for Wialon

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Re: Car Booking App for Corporate customers

Your company is large, you will need to think carefully about the product you are going to deliver ...