Topic: Calamp LMU2720
We are using those units and need to use Jpod to get parameters from the ECU. Someone here have experience in that ? In case anyone use lmu4225, that one has already Jpod inside.
We are using those units and need to use Jpod to get parameters from the ECU. Someone here have experience in that ? In case anyone use lmu4225, that one has already Jpod inside.
i have some, it's difficult to set up sensor , but it works !!
what do you need?
Done !, please pm to me to config your devices.
hi there
can you guys help me out here , i have an LMU2720 unit and need to factory reset the unit via sms.
i wrote a new script and uploaded it via Puls server re-programmed the unit.
but now the unit remains on Pending Status
for security reasons, there is no 'factory reset' using SMS. but it can work using at commands with "at#factory", then the sms to force device report to PULS is "!R3,49,129"
greetings !
Hello Partners
Anyone has idea which model is this Device and how to integrate it with Wialon Please
basically all Calamp devices are having the same protocol and it is integrated in our platform. To connect it to Wialon properly you're supposed to have an account in Calamp web-service called PULS to manage devices and its configurations.
For more information please contact our hardware department via
it looks as LMU2720, as poal says, all Calamp use the same protocol, in this case poin to … d=12307647