Тема: TrackPro TR-20
Hello, I am novice user of Wialon PRO.
The query is how to configure the gps tracker TrackPro TR-20, or find an alternative.
I understand that used TrackPro GlobalSat modules. sms commands are as follows:
First,modify unit ID,send this command:
&&Z13, 200707
200707 is the new unit ID, you can set any new ID by yourself.
then set the APN, send this command:
&&******,Z10,[APN],[user name],[password]
For example: &&200707,Z10,internet.movistar.mx,movista,movistar
If succeeded, the tracker will reply one message with Z10
Then set IP and port, send this command:
If succeeded, the tracker will reply one message with Z39
Thirdly, set the fixed time report, send the command:
If succeeded, the tracker will reply one message with Z31