Topic: Update geofence (Colors format)
I'm trying update the geofence data in specific the radius, but i have doubts about the parameters c (color argb )and tc (color rgb), i got the data of the geofence with get_zone_data function, this function show me the data of geofence. attach the response image. So to update the geofence i'm trying to copy the data of parameters c and tc like i got in the response of get_zone_data. But i had error 4. In the documentation of update_zone show the parameter c is int and tc is uint. My question is, what format must i put in these parameters ? Can someone put an example of the update_zone, ooh i forget tell, i'm using php. Here my code.
$params = array(
'itemId' => 642602,// recurso sistemas
'id'=> 11,
'n' => 'GAS_Calle 27 De Febrero',
'd' => 'Calle 27 De Febrero<br/>Balancán,Tabasco<br/>E03229',
't' => 3,
'w' => 30,
'f' => 48,
'c' => 2568583984,
'tc' => 16733440,
'ts' => 12,
'min' => 1,
'max' => 18,
'path' => "",
'libId' =>"",
'p'=> array (